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Screw Privacy, Just Give Me Value For My Data
Screw Privacy,
Just Give Me Value For My Data

LISA PEARSON LEE MAICON Principal Powershift Group Chief Strategy Officer 360i @LPearson @pwrshiftgroup @LeeMaicon @360i #data4value PRIVACY NEW EQUATION VALUE past present future #data4value

3 Phases of Healthcare Data Governance in AnalyticsBy Mike Doyle
3 Phases of Healthcare Data Governance in AnalyticsBy Mike Doyle

Healthcare Data Governance Healthcare data governance. It sounds like it could be a dry topic, right? The truth is that data governance is a very exciting and complicated challenge in healthcare analytics. The purpose of this commentary is to:

Data Driven Culture
Data Driven Culture

Questions that come to mind What needs to be done? What is the purpose of this meeting? How does this meeting serve the project’s purpose? Who is going to do these tasks? Me? Really?? Approach GETTING THINGS DONE

Between the Dashboard and the Chair The Human Side of Data for Good Beth KanterAuthor, Speaker and Trainer June, 2014 – Gates Foundation
Between the Dashboard and the Chair
The Human Side of Data for Good
Beth KanterAuthor, Speaker and Trainer
June, 2014 – Gates Foundation

Beth 399 Data that Inspires Change and Leads To Better Outcomes Healthy Range >150 Triglycerides: Test Results I was ignoring the data on my dashboard!!

Growth Hacking with Predictive Analytics
Growth Hacking with Predictive Analytics

Our mission: Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. 347M+ members

Scale Your Data Collection on the Cloud Like a Champ
Scale Your Data Collection on the Cloud Like a Champ

SCALING DATA COLLECTION = A PAIN Plenty of companies are limited by their data collection methods when it comes to scalability. Once they need more detailed data and in larger quantities, scaling the system can become a major pain.

Big Data and The Future of Insight
Big Data and The Future of Insight

PETABYTES FOR ALL: THE BIG DATA BACK-STORY Georgina Sapsted, Leader of Quantitative Analysis Source: Google Trends (www.google.com/trends)/nVision | Base: UK (English speakers), March 2014 Data Analysis: long-lived


Ryan Goodman CEO Centigon Solutions @rmgoodm Ryan Goodman is Centigon Solutions CEO, author, and expert in Business Intelligence. Ryan applies over 12 years designing business applications to his leadership role shaping Centigon Solutions’ Location Intelligence platform strategy. Today, Ryan

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