Презентации по Аналитике

8 Nastiest Data Breaches in 2015
8 Nastiest Data Breaches in 2015

Premera Cyber Attack: Approx 13 Million Premera members were affected. The information exposed includes social security numbers, date of birth, addresses and some bank account numbers. Kreditech 's insider breach: The data breach that came to light after malicious hackers

Big Data Analytics for Non-Programmers
Big Data Analytics for Non-Programmers

Agenda for the day Can Hadoop be learnt without knowing Java? How Pig can be used in place of MapReduce ? Querying data with HiveQL Can Hadoop be learnt without knowing Java?

Information Graphics for Everyone
Information Graphics for Everyone

Information Graphics for Everyone Trina Chiasson, @trinachi

BIG Data
BIG Data

C 18,000 BCE Humans use tally sticks to record data for the first time. These are used to track trading activity and record inventory. C 2400 BCE The abacus is developed, and the first

A Short History of BIG DATA
A Short
 History of 

1944 16 years EVERY Fremont Rider, Wesleyan University Librarian, publishes The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library. He estimates that American university libraries were doubling in size every sixteen years. X 2 Facts taken from A Very Short

6 Key Skills Every Business Needs
6 Key Skills 
Every Business Needs

Analytical Skills Ability to: Determine what data to collect How to analyse it – spotting patterns and links Creativity Ability to: Come up with new methods of collecting, analysing and interpreting data

Disease Surveillance Monitoring and Reacting to Outbreaks (like Ebola) with an Enterprise Data Warehouse
Disease Surveillance Monitoring and Reacting to Outbreaks (like Ebola) with an Enterprise Data Warehouse

Disease Surveillance in Healthcare You don’t have to look much past today’s headlines to understand the importance of disease surveillance among healthcare providers. Here’s a summary of the current options available for monitoring healthcare data that could help identify disease outbreaks.

Patient profiling: Big Data’s impact on Healthcare
Patient profiling:
Big Data’s impact on Healthcare

Master’s degree (1998) Biochemist by training Molecular Biology Tumorgenetics IT since 1999 Oracle specialist Database Analytics Big Data Founded Healthcare Analytics in 2014 @rjlkuipers slideshare.net/rjlkuipers1 renekuipers.wordpress.com Speaker Bio - René Kuipers

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