Презентации по Английскому языку


Australia-a country located in the southern hemisphere, including the world's smallest continent, the island of Tasmania and the other much smaller islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia Flag CLIMATE Most of the territory of Australia is

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The UK is situated on the British Isles, north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland

English Club Quiz answers
English Club Quiz answers

Round 1: Geography Question 1 What is the capital of Bavaria? (Munich)

Аттестационная работа. Рабочая программа курса дополнительного образования детей Академические навыки и английский язык
Аттестационная работа. Рабочая программа курса дополнительного образования детей Академические навыки и английский язык

Краткая характеристика жанра работы Рабочая программа курса дополнительного образования детей «Академические навыки и английский язык» Курс рассчитан на 102 учебных часа обучающихся 9 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. При проектировании учебного курса учитывались такие факторы, как: возраст обучающихся, их

Young people and problems
Young people and problems

What is common with these words? -violence -poverty -addiction -prison -commit suicide The Plan 1. Family poverty, youth violence 2. Smoking, drug and alcohol addiction 3. Indifference of adults

How to identify a shopaholic?
How to identify a shopaholic?

Symptoms of a shopping addiction Spending money as a result of feeling disappointed, angry or scared. Feeling lost without credit cards. Feeling a rush of euphoria and anxiety when spending money. Having arguments with others about one’s shopping or spending habits.

Проект Молодь України - майбутнє планети. Шаблон
Проект Молодь України - майбутнє планети. Шаблон

Клуб був створений в 2007 році (Офіційно зареєстрований в 2009 році). Клуб проводить різні заходи по відродженню екологічної культури суспільства, щоб навчити людей) The club was created in 2007 (officially registered in 2009).The club carries out different activities to revive

Business lunch
Business lunch

Americans use having meals for discussing problems with business partners. They invite them by phoning and speak about business news during the lunch. Business lunch in the USA includes salads, soup, the main course and


PLAN I. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics a) Its object and aims b) Branches of lexicology, 2 approaches to language study. II. The word as the basic unit of language III. The semantic structure of word meaning

Have you ever
Have you ever

(ride) a horse? Have you ever ridden a horse? (eat) Chinese food? Have you ever eaten Chinese food?

Life in Russia 50 years ago
Life in Russia 50 years ago

Fifty years ago people lived in wooden and brick houses. Fifty years ago there was central heating in flats, but it was not in wooden houses.

ГИА-9 по английскому языку в форме ОГЭ: Оценивание заданий устной части
ГИА-9 по английскому языку в форме ОГЭ: Оценивание заданий устной части

Основным отличием является то, что она предполагает в качестве итога − получение независимой «внешней» оценки качества подготовки выпускников 9-х классов ИЯ остается экзаменом по выбору в 2016 году Государственная итоговая аттестация по ИЯ (в новой форме) ИЛИ ГИА по

Types of digital learning
Types of digital learning

1. Simulation This resource aids teacher's explanation, and allows learners to test out their ideas and experiment. 2. Animation This can demonstrate processes which are difficult to describe or show in two dimensions.

My future profession: programmer
My future profession: programmer

In the future I want to become an IT programmer. This profession is not easy. The main character in it are patience and perseverance care.

Present simple and continuous контакт
Present simple and continuous контакт

Present simple Form: I/you/we/they work. He/she/it works. I/you/we/they don’t work. He/she/it doesn’t work.

Overview. What is virtual reality
Overview. What is virtual reality

OVERVIEW What is Virtual Reality? History of Virtual Reality ➢Types of Virtual Reality Devices used in Virtual Reality Applications of Virtual Reality Conclusion WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY? Virtual Reality refers to a high-end user interface that involves real-time simulation and interactions through

Endangered animals. The most endangered species
Endangered animals. The most endangered species

Amur Leopard People usually think of leopards in the savannas of Africa but in the Russian Far East, a rare subspecies has adapted to life in the temperate forests that make up the northern-most part of the species’ range. Similar to

Rhymes in English
Rhymes in English

The early bird catches the warm And upon my word I know two chaps and yet the third Could learn a lesson from that bird [ ə: ] [b] , [r] A Bear brings a

Игра по английскому языку для детей дошкольного возраста
Игра по английскому языку для детей дошкольного возраста

What word begins with «Aa»? Что начинается на «Aa»? Aa What word begins with «Bb»? Что начинается на «Bb»? Bd

Методика формирования и развития компетенций в аудировании и чтении. (Лекция 4)
Методика формирования и развития компетенций в аудировании и чтении. (Лекция 4)

Компоненти ІКК Мовленнєві компетенціі Рецептивные: аудирование и чтение Продуктивные: говорение и письмо Рецептивно-репродуктивные: перевод Письменные: чтение, письмо, перевод Устные: аудирование, говорение, перевод

Stylistics of the English Language 5. Tropes and Figures of Speech
Stylistics of the English Language 5. Tropes and Figures of Speech

Outline Lexical Analysis: Tropes Lexical Analysis: Epithets Lexical Analysis in the Process of Decoding Emotive Prose Tropes and Figures of Speech based on comparison (affinity): metaphor simile

Уроки английского языка
Уроки английского языка

Выберите правильный вариант 1. Frank … be on a diet since his last heart attack. A. has to B. must C. has had to Выберите правильный вариант 2. Listen. Someone is jumping on the floor in the apartment above. –

What do you prefer … or … ? I prefer…
What do you prefer … or … ? I prefer…

What do you prefer … or … ? I prefer… What do you prefer … or … ? I prefer…

Subculture is the way to express. Your individuality
Subculture is the way to express. Your individuality

How do teens express their individuality? Young people have a particular relationship with the world. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality. SUBCULTURES EMOS ROCKERS HIPPIES RAVERS RAPPERS HACKERS BIKERS GOTHS PUNKS SKINHEADS

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