Презентации по Английскому языку

Let’s repeat relative clauses
Let’s repeat relative clauses

LET’S PLAY Appearance Choose the leader of your group for today! SECRETLY!!! Write his\her name on a paper! SECRETLY!!! Give the papers to me! Who is ……(the name of the leader) ? DON’T LOOK AT THE PERSON!!! … is

Vocabulary and Grammar
Vocabulary and Grammar

31.03.2014 I am going to the … to buy stamps. Toy shop Sports shop Post office to 31.03.2014 Is that … new car? there theirs their to

Conformity Quotes
Conformity Quotes

Is Conformity Good or Bad? Due to our upbringing in American culture, individuality has a certain allure But Another word for individualist is deviant Another word for conformist is team player Obviously, there are times where conformity, and obedience, are


I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk now. She looks like she is feeling ………………… Angry What a face. I think he needs to find something to do. He looks …………………. Bored

CPU. Intel, Amd
CPU. Intel, Amd

Intel Intel (abbreviation of the English «intelligence» -. Mind / intellect)- the world's largest company for the production of electronic components for computers. The company was founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore in 1957. Headquartered in Santa Carla

Participles. What are participles?
Participles. What are participles?

Participles What are participles? Look at the verb table below and find out the answers. End with -ed Participles used as adjectives Examples : 1a. The boring teacher talked for hours. 1b. The bored students fell

Define the time of the action
Define the time of the action

The 18-th of December. Today is Wednesday. Define the time of the action Boys play football every day. Boys will play football tomorrow. Boys played football in 1900.

Middle English
Middle English

The Middle English period was a time of unprecedentedly rapid development of the language. For the first 3 centuries English was only a spoken language, and as such had no form and could develop without any restrain. All

Переводческие трансформации и приемы перевода
Переводческие трансформации и приемы перевода

История перевода Первые попытки создать научную классификацию переводческих соответствий были предприняты в XX веке. Одной из первых мы можем считать классификацию «закономерных соответствий», предложенную в 1950г. Я.И.Рецкером в своей статье «О закономерных соответствиях при переводе на родной язык». Сходные с ним

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irela
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irela

Великобритания состоит из четырех частей: Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия и Северная Ирландия. The UK consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Флаг Великобритании называется «The Union Jack». Он состоит из трех крестов: крест святого

Traditions in Ukraine
Traditions in Ukraine

Ukrainians are very happy, kind and generous people. We love entertaining so we have got many holidays and we celebrate them very interesting. Our holidays are: Ivana Kupala, Easter, Christmas , Masliana, New Year and many

Одежда. Инструменты и материалы
Одежда. Инструменты и материалы

ОДЕЖДА: Мужская-men's clothing Женская-women's clothes Повседневная-casual Официальная-formal Рабочая-work clothes Вечерняя-evening clothes Зимняя-winter clothes Летняя-summer clothes

Manchester. Where is he from
Manchester. Where is he from

Where is he from Manchester is one of the English most important cities. It is located in the northern part of England, not far from Liverpool. Today the population of Manchester is 438,000. Manchester began, when a wooden fort was built

Frequency adverbs
Frequency adverbs

They ________ have breakfast together. rarely usually often He ___________ takes a shower twice a day. always never often

Sentences in english
Sentences in english

Check what happened in the segment. ( ) The Chinese American woman introduced her fiancé to her mother. ( ) She forgot to warn her fiancé about a few important rules on Chinese manners. ( ) He

Условные предложения или придаточные предложения условия (Conditionals)
Условные предложения или придаточные предложения условия (Conditionals)

Условные предложения или придаточные предложения условия (Conditionals) – это сложноподчиненные предложения, состоящие из главного предложения (Main clause) и придаточного условия (if-clause), которое часто вводится союзом if. Условные предложения в английском языке используются для описания осуществимых или неосуществимых ситуаций и бывают

New tendencies in english pronunciation
New tendencies in english pronunciation

Groups of Changes 1. mnd - mnde 2. knight, knee 3. ME i: > NE a life ME u > NE  dull 4. OE [], [ð] – one phoneme ME thigh [a] – thy [ða] 5. adult [ædlt]


A mobile often won’t work because there’s no signal. You’ll be safe inside your car. Move away from the other bees – they might sting you too. We speak about future. We make predictions about future. We use

American student slang
American student slang

to hit the books to study very intensively RSVP ‘répondez s'il vous plait’ - “reply if you please” BNOC “big name on campus” underwater basket weaving totally useless or very

Colours. Game
Colours. Game

white yellow orange red pink green blue purple brown grey

Basic information about Las Vegas
Basic information about Las Vegas

Basic information about Las Vegas The population of Las Vegas is 596 000 residents.The sizes of Las Vegas are made by 352 square kilometers.The city is to in the West USA, in the State of Nevada.Las Vegas is one

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