Презентации по Английскому языку

Present Simple versus Present Continious
Present Simple versus Present Continious

Click on me to spin the wheel Click on me to go to the exercise Use Present Simple or Present Continuous of the given verbs to complete the sentences solutions Click on me to check the answers Click on me

My dream house
My dream house

Plan: The kitchen The living room The bedroom The bathroom Dreams are very useful because they help to define your aims and wishes. I like to dream and I often imagine my

Косвенная речь
Косвенная речь

Direct and Reported Speech. Прямая и косвенная речь в английском языке. Чужое высказывание может быть либо передано так, как оно было произнесено (прямая речь), либо описано с помощью сложносочинённого предложения (косвенная речь). Сравните: Прямая речь -

Numerals: cardinal, ordinal
Numerals: cardinal, ordinal

Numerals ( числительные) Cardinal Ordinal (количественные) (порядковые) Количественные числительные

Grammar competition
Grammar competition

Do you work on Saturdays? A Yes, I work B Yes, I do C Yes, I am She _______ to school three times a week. goes go gos

Problem, that is silent by everyone
Problem, that is silent by everyone

• 24 per cent of our galaxy’s elemental mass consists of helium • Because of its lightness, helium vanished from our own planet many years ago • only a miniscule proportion –

London end famous places
London end famous places

Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth II lives in Buckingham Palace

Contrastive lexicology 3. Studying metaphor with the british national corpus (BNC)
Contrastive lexicology 3. Studying metaphor with the british national corpus (BNC)

CORPUS-BASED LANGUAGE STUDIES Corpora studies present a new strategy which highlights the evidence of natural, ‘real’ language. The term ‘corpus linguistics’ “refers not just to a new computer-based methodology, but, as G. Leech (1992: 106) put it, a ‘new research enterprise’,

Functions of an infinitive in English
Functions of an infinitive in English

The infinitive is a verbal form (a non-finite verb form) which consists of the base form of the verb with the particle "to": to do; to go; to play; to take; to break; to find. Infinitive is a

How many?
How many?

How many ghosts are there? How many monsters are there?

Planning. Topic
Planning. Topic

MEANING OF PLANNING Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who to do it. It involves anticipating the future and conciously Choosing the future course of action. “According to Haimann, Planning

Madame Tussaud’s museum
Madame Tussaud’s museum

Madame Tussaud’s is the most popular and talked about wax museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead, from every walk of life. David Beckham, Madonna, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Charlie Chaplin,

City walk
City walk

Oldest buildings - about 400 year-old. Built at Slotsholmen Copenhagen by Denmark’s most famous king, Christian IV. Originaly constructed in 1608 as part of Copenhagen’s military fortifications. Burnt down in 1632 and was rebuilt in between 1635-1636. In 1767 the building

My restaurant is famous for delicious Italian food "Dolce Vita"
My restaurant is famous for delicious Italian food

My restaurant is famous for delicious Italian food Dolce Vita is a stylish restaurant with plenty of mirrors, massive chandeliers, comfortable tables with full chamber serving. Here is stunning at the same time a very cozy atmosphere. 

Аттестационная работа. Программа элективного курса по английскому языку Еngish Сlub для обучающихся 5 классов
Аттестационная работа. Программа элективного курса по английскому языку Еngish Сlub для обучающихся 5 классов

Краткая характеристика образовательного учреждения Наша школа № 7 г. Йошкар-Олы построена в 1940 году. Она одна из самых старых школ города. 

Present Perfect or Past Simple
Present Perfect or Past Simple

Present Perfect or Past Simple? That is the question! His shoes are dirty. He is cleaning his shoes. He has cleaned his shoes. His shoes are clean now!

Характеристика древнеанглийского словарного состава
Характеристика древнеанглийского словарного состава

Вопросы для самостоятельного изучения I. Пути пополнения словарного состава Аффиксация (суффиксация, префиксация). Словосложение. Заимствования (латинские – 1 и 2 слои, кельтские 1-3 слои). Кальки. II. Поэтическая лексика. Древнеанглийские письменные памятники. Пояснение 1 слой латинских заимствований – слова, появившиеся в языке

Firm of my dreams
Firm of my dreams

 For this you need a cozy office, many qualified employees. Also need a good strict and fair chief. I want to at work you respect  The salary that was real. To be honest, I'd like a design firm. The main

Определенный артикль The
Определенный артикль The

Континентов. Пример: Europe; Городов. Пример: London; Горных вершин. Пример:Everest; Озер. Пример: Baikal; Большинства стран. Пример: England; The не употребляется с названиями Горных цепей : the Alps; Пустынь: the Sahara; Групп островов: the

English Cuisine
English Cuisine

For breakfast English people prefer either oatmeal or cereal with milk, fried eggs with bacon, a glass of orange juice or a cup of fresh coffee. During lunch many people are away at work, or at school, so

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