Слайд 1New Tendencies in English Pronunciation
Prof. Tatiana Levina
Vladimir State University
Слайд 2Groups of Changes
1. mnd - mnde
2. knight, knee
3. ME
i: > NE a life
ME u > NE dull
4. OE [], [ð] – one phoneme
ME thigh [a] – thy [ða]
5. adult [ædlt] ally [æla]
Слайд 3Vowel Changes
I. Isolated Changes
1. [] kp bt
2. [:] l: :t
3. [a] [] [] – a back element
The centripetal [sentrpi:tl] tendency
[e] ? []
[bout] > [bt]
Слайд 4II.Combinative [kmbntv] changes
1. [:] > [] before [f, s, ]
often, cloth
2. [ju:] > [u:] preceded by [t, , r, l]
chew, June, rule, blue
after [s] suit [su:t, sju:t]
assume [sju:m, -su:m]
consume [knsju:m, -su:m]
Слайд 5
after [] enthusiasm [nju:ziæzm, -u:]
after [z] resume [rzju:m, -zu:m]
initial [l] luke-warm [lu:kw:m]
lunatic [lu:ntk, lju:]
[l] absolute [æbslu:t, -ju:t]
dubious AE [du:bis, dju:]
BE [dju:bis]
Слайд 6
3. diphthongization [i:], [u:]
e.g. who, see
[u+u] > [+u] > [+u]
a substandard
[+] > [+j] > [+j]
Слайд 7
4. monophthongization
[e] say, play [ei+]
[a] [a]
tower [|ta] ? [ta]
? [t:]
fire [fa] ? [fa] ? [f:]
Слайд 8
5. final [] > [i:], [e]
pretty [prti] ? [prti:], [prte]
[] >
[i:] in other positions
between [btwi:n] ? [bi:twi:n]
eleven [levn] ? [i:levn]
substandard []
Слайд 9
6. [] > [+]
[] > [+]
nausea [n:si] ? [n:s+]
[nflunts] ? [nflu+nts]
Слайд 10
7. The influence of dark [l] in [lv, lt, :lt ]
[], [:] > [] :
revolve [rvlv]
solve [slv]
dissolve [dzlv]
salt [s:lt, slt]
halt [hlt, h:lt]
falter [f:lt, |fl-]
Слайд 11
8. The spread of [] in unstressed syllables:
system [sstm, -tm]
September [septemb,
sp-, sp-]
diplomat [dplmæt] boycott [bkt, -kt]
corridor [krd:, --, -d]
candidate [kænddt, -det, -dt]
boxes BE [bksz] AE [b:ksz]
ended BE [endd] AE [endd]
Слайд 12III. Changes in Vowel Length
Lengthening of Vowels:
[] big, his
[] good
[] come
yes, bed, men, said
[æ] man, bag, bad, sad
Слайд 13Changes in Consonants
1. Assimilation
to exert [gz:t]
miscellaneous [mslenis]
The cases of
1). historical assimilation
watch [wæt] > [wt]
Слайд 14
2). devoicing
[z] > [s] news [nju:z]
newspaper [nju:s|pep]
[d] > [t] amidst
[mdst, -mtst]
Слайд 15
3). in compound words
tenpence [tenpnts, tem-]
football [fpb:l] (not registered)
4). in rapid
familiar speech
give me [gmm]
Слайд 16
5). coalescing [k|lesŋ] type
[dj] > [] due [dju:, u:]
[tj] > [t]
tube [tju:b, tu:b]
Tuesday [tju:zde, tu:z-]
[sj]>[] issue [u:, sju:]
Слайд 172. New weak forms
and [ænd] ? [nd, n, nd, n]
that’s right
that’s funny [sfn]
if you like [fjlak]
What does he want? [ wts hi wnt]
Слайд 18 3. The weakening and loss of consonants
1). final alveolars [t,d,n]
wha(t)’s the matter
no(t) bad
ol(d) man
half pas(t) five
Слайд 19
2). loss of plosives [p,b,k,g]
knokced bed-time
begged egg-cup
apt castle [k:sl]
3). Simplification of double consonants
a good deal
upside down
lamp post
Слайд 20
4). initial combinations
psychic [sakk]
pterodactyl [terdæktl]
where < hwere
5). Loss of [h]
He gave him his breakfast.
Слайд 21
6). Devoicing of consonants [b, d, g]
feed [fi:d˚] rogue [rg˚]
7). Voicing
of consonants
letter AE, vulgar RP: [led˚]
British [brd˚]
better, latter
Слайд 22
8). Intrusive consonants [n tru:sv]
a). [ns] > [nts]
fancy [ fæntsi] once
pronouncing [pr nantsŋ]
b). [p], [k]
warmth [w:mp] length [leŋk]
c). intrusive [r]
here and there [ hr n ð]
idea and reality [a dr n r ælti]
Слайд 23Dialect Mixing
stabilized [steblazd] < [stæ-]
reproduce [ri:pr|dju:s]
< [re-]
typography [tapgrfi] < [t]
South-Eastern dialect:
Mainland [menlnd] ? [menlænd]
Monday [mnd] ? [mnde]
necklace [nekls] ? [nekls]
Слайд 24Changes of Stress
1). communal [ kmjnl, k mju:nl]
controversy [ kntrv:si, kn trvsi]
aristocrat [ ærstkræt, rstkræt]
hospitable [hs ptbl, hspt-]
2). garage [ gær:, -, -:,
occasionally g r:,- r:]
adult [ ædlt, dlt]
ally [ æla, la]
Слайд 25Spelling Pronunciation
forehead [f:hed, frd]
often [fn, -tn]
[tw:d, tw:d, t:d]
Слайд 26Continental Pronunciation
gala [gel]>[g:l, ge-]
Faustus [f:sts, fa-]
[nju:kli:] < [nju:kla]