Education for Social Innovation презентация

Why Education for Social Innovation?

Слайд 2Why Education for Social Innovation?

Слайд 4Why Education for Social Innovation?

Слайд 5Why Education for Social Innovation?

Слайд 7Towards a New End: New Pedagogies for Deep Learning

Слайд 821st Century Skills
West Virginia Department of Education

Слайд 9Core Principles & Values of a
Future Friendly School

Слайд 10Education for Global Citizenship:
Preparing Learners for the Challenges of the

21st Century

Слайд 11Course Objectives
Learning Goal: To document the learning process of students

with new technologies while they explore curriculum through social innovation projects that reach beyond the classroom.

Explore the role of social innovation & entrepreneurship in supporting teachers and administrators’ professional learning and fostering 21st century skills
Discover how Project Based Learning can be used as a pedagogy to produce social innovation outcomes while meeting curriculum objectives
Gain experience with ideation and design thinking pedagogy to further unleash collaborative inquiry and problem-solving in your students
Co-develop classroom-based social innovation project(s) with students on issues of local and/or global significance
Engage with key e-technologies behind authentic, humanizing approaches to social innovation to empower students as learners and leaders
Understand and apply tools of pedagogical documentation to support learning outcomes by making learning visible
Learn how to develop and maintain partnerships to extend your classroom to the community and beyond

Слайд 12Overview

Слайд 13Global Mindset:
A Window to the World
Global Gallery Card Deck

Hashtags: #TIGedPD #SocialInnovation
TakingITGlobal for Educators: @TIGed
Future Friendly Schools: @BFutureFriendly
Jennifer: @jenergy


Слайд 1510 Possible Social Innovation
Project Ideas

Слайд 16Create Digital Games about a Social Issue and organize a Play


Have prizes for players who earn the most points playing the games.


Слайд 17Create and publish a Poster Campaign or Comic Strip to raise

awareness of an issue among students.

Students can vote for a winning submission.


SUP Club (Stand Up People) Glen Park Public School

Слайд 18Create Short Films about social issues. Host a Film Festival for

the community.


Belaveni Rajkuma, Tam O’Shanter “Immigration Story” Film Project 2014

Macklin “Globalize This” Film Festival

Слайд 19Challenge students to design a prototype solution to address natural disasters

or alleviate poverty.

Invite industry experts to provide feedback.


John Wanless JPS

Слайд 20Organize a Talent Show incorporating dance, drama, song and poetry on

social issues.

Record, digitize and post for online awareness campaign.


CH Best: Sharing our Inner Selves, 2014

Слайд 21Create a Community Cookbook with recipes from students and their families.

Host an event, raise funds for a student selected charity through book sales.


Joyce Public School 2014 (Grade 5/6)

Слайд 22Organize a Scavenger Hunt to explore local historic and cultural sites.

Have students create quests and artifacts that reflect their Canadian identity with Explore150.


Sprout Ideas Camp 2014 (Grange Park, Art Gallery of Ontario)

Слайд 23Organize a school-wide environmental awareness campaign.

Challenge for students to reduce

their carbon footprint with Commit2Act.


Wilmington Water Day

Слайд 24Link up with schools across Canada to share ideas and launch

school-wide projects to promote Mental Health.



Banting and Best

Glen Park

Central Algoma SS

Слайд 25Collaborate on a school art project on the theme of peace

and inclusion.

Organize an exhibit. Design cards with the images that are sold with proceeds to a charity students select. Post on Global Gallery and to International Exhibitions.


Слайд 26The Power of Student Voice
What does student voice mean to you?

has student voice and communication changed over the past 10 years?
Why is student voice in the classroom exciting or scary?

Why should we embed student voice in our schools and classrooms?

Слайд 27Hart’s Ladder of Participation (UNICEF)
Children’s Participation:
From Tokenism to Citizenship (1992)

need to be involved in meaningful projects with adults. It is unrealistic to expect them suddenly to become responsible, participating adult citizens at the age of 16, 18, or 21 without prior exposure to the skills and responsibilities involved. An understanding of democratic participation and the confidence and competence to participate can only be acquired gradually through practice; it cannot be taught as an abstraction. Many western nations think of themselves as having achieved democracy fully, though they teach the principles of democracy in a pedantic way in classrooms which are themselves models of autocracy. This is not acceptable."

Слайд 28Three Dimensions of Student Engagement

Слайд 29Instructional Challenge

Слайд 30WGSI
Equinox Learning2030

Слайд 31“Step Outside for Learning”
Threatened in Ontario:
Blanding’s Turtle
Krishana Johnson-James, Tam O’Shanter

does take time to help students develop into a community of learners who recognize that being outside the classroom is okay and, dare it be said, fun. All you need is a long term vision and a willingness to achieve it in small steps.”

Слайд 32A Global Citizenship Mindset

Слайд 33Challenge-Based Learning

Слайд 34Making Learning Visible
“Pedagogical documentation inserts a new phase of thinking and

wondering together between the act of observation and the act of planning a response. Rather than looking for what is known through assessment, pedagogical documentation invites the creativity, surprise and delight of educators who discover the worlds of children.” Dr. Carol Anne Wien, York University

Слайд 35Making Learning Visible
In My Own Eyes
(STEM & MakerSpace)

Слайд 37Pedagogical Documentation
The Other P.D.
“Above and Beyond”

Слайд 38
P.D. (Pedagogical Documentation)
is a way to learn more about how our

students think and learn
provides opportunity for teachers to capture student voice
provides opportunity for students to capture their own voice
is a catalyst for student inquiry, student exploration and student understanding (shared understanding)
is a celebration all learners as students take ownership of their own learning and journey

Слайд 39How do I capture thinking?



Authentic Writing


Documentation Panels

Слайд 40
Integration of
Many After School Workshops
Offered by Digital Lead Learners

the Teaching and Learning With Technology Department

"Icon made by Icomoon from"

Слайд 41Workshops that Support
Pedagogical Documentation
ER 19


Слайд 42Workshops

Слайд 43Pedagogical Documentation
Tips to Get Started:
Creates Shared Understanding
Celebrates the Rights of

Individual Learners
Recognizes Students’ Ownership of Their Learning
Actualizes Shared Accountability
Provides Voice in Learning for Everyone

“Through pedagogical documentation, the roles in education are shifting; what it means to be a learner and an educator are being transformed. Students and teachers alike are demonstrating ownership of and engaging in teaching and learning. Consequently, pedagogical documentation is a vehicle for learning that bridges understanding of children and adults.”

Ontario Ministry of Education Capacity Building Series K-12, October 2012

Слайд 44At the end of the day...
Start your P.D. today

Слайд 46Pedagogical Documentation
Questions to ask when studying documentation:
What are we trying

to understand?
What are we asking pedagogical documentation to help us look for?
What do we see when we look closely and attentively at the documentation?
What questions does this looking raise for us?
What do we wonder about?
What are our working theories about what we see?
What does the documentation reveal about children’s working theories, feelings, attachments and interests?
Dr. Carol Anne Wien, York University

Слайд 47Tech Tools for Pedagogical Documentation

Слайд 48Top 10 Tech Tools for
Pedagogical Documentation

Digital Images
Video &


Mind Mapping

Note Capture

Audio Recording


Social Media

Comic Strip


Presentation & Polling

Слайд 49

Слайд 50Top 10 Tech Tools for
Pedagogical Documentation

Digital Images
Video &


Mind Mapping

Note Capture

Audio Recording


Social Media

Comic Strip

Wiki & Online Docs

Presentation & Polling

Global Gallery




Comic Life





Google Docs

Слайд 52NMC Horizon Report Card Game

Слайд Virtual Classroom
& Live Sessions with Adobe Connect

Слайд 54

Слайд 56Clusters Meet and Greet
What aspect of social innovation am I most

interested in exploring with my students? How will I approach pedagogical documentation with my students?
What do I need to know?

Слайд 57Find Your Cluster & Table by Colour!

(Banting and Best)
(Percy Williams)


What aspect of social innovation am I most interested in exploring with my students?
How will I approach pedagogical documentation with my students?
What do I need to know?


Слайд 58Cluster Discussion
What aspect of social innovation am I most interested in

exploring with my students?

How will I approach pedagogical documentation with my students?

What do I need to know?

Слайд 59Recap and Next Steps

Слайд 60Inspiring Canadian Social Innovators

Johann Koss Right to Play
Taylor Gunn
CIVIX Canada
Tim Jones

Dupuy Famous People Players

Emmanuel Jal
Lose to Win

Steve Wilson
Graffiti Art Gallery

Simon Plashkes
Art Battle

Neil Christopher
Inhabit Media

Ran Goel
Fresh City Farms

Jo Jamieson & Jackie Elton
Transforming Faces

Task to be completed for Session 1
Research a social innovation project and be prepared to briefly present it to the group.
Post it as a reply to the Social Innovators discussion thread within your TIGed virtual classroom.
Bring your curriculum documents to the next session.

Слайд 61Future Entrepreneurs Interview Questions
1. Do you think your childhood and upbringing

had an influence on your decision to become an entrepreneur? If so, how?
2. Do you think your parents/guardians influenced your decision to become an entrepreneur? If so, how?
3. How about your friends?
4. What were the most significant factors that influenced your decision to become an entrepreneur?
5. How did your education and school experience contribute to your career choice?
6. When did you first think of becoming an entrepreneur?
7. Did you have doubts about your ability to be an entrepreneur?
8. Were there activities or hobbies that you think contributed to the development of your entrepreneurial skills?
9. Do you think people who knew you when you were young thought you would become an entrepreneur?
10. Is this your first business?
11. What were your biggest mistakes, and what have you learned from them?
12. What were the best decisions you made, and why?
13. How did you come up with the idea for this venture?
14. How did you know that it would work?

Слайд 62Thank You to our Supporters
Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure:

High School Entrepreneurship Outreach
Cisco Foundation and CODE

Слайд 63Thank you for your participation!

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