AT&T vs. Verizon: Which Wireless Carrier Ruled the Quarter? презентация

Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014? Post-paid net adds Average revenue per user (ARPU) Churn rates Let’s take a quick look at head-to-head comparison of some key metrics: Total subscriber

Слайд 1AT&T vs. Verizon: Which Wireless Carrier Ruled the Quarter?

Слайд 2Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Post-paid net adds
Average revenue per user (ARPU)


Let’s take a quick look at head-to-head comparison of some key metrics:

Total subscriber adds
Other news

Слайд 3Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Total revenue of $34.4 billion
Diluted earnings of

$0.55 per share

AT&T’s financials:

Verizon’s financials:

Total revenue of $33.2 billion
Diluted earnings of $0.71 per share

Слайд 4Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Source: AT&T and Verizon. Author’s calculations.
*Verizon only

reports Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA), instead of by user. But if we divide the carrier’s ARPA ($162.98) by the number of connections per account (2.87), we get an ARPU of about $56.78 for the quarter

Слайд 5Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Churn is the rate at which customers

leave the carriers
Both companies have a a slightly higher than 1% churn rate, which is very low

Churn Rates:

Слайд 6Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Verizon’s continually boosting ARPA:

ARPA is up 3.5%

Customers continually flock to the carrier’s “More Everything” plan, which brings in more revenue per account

Source: Verizon.

Слайд 7Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Phone-only and NEXT program ARPU fell 4.1%

because of Mobile Share plan growth
But wireless revenues are still up 7.7% year-over-year

AT&T’s ARPU is down, but should bounce back:

Слайд 8Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Verizon far outpaced AT&T’s retail postpaid net

Verizon added 2 million
AT&T added 854,000

Слайд 9Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Verizon = 2.1 million
AT&T = 1.9 million

But both added lots of total subscribers:

Слайд 10Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Wireless equipment revenues increased 72.3% because customers

chose installment plans (NEXT) vs. subsidized phones
Wireless operating income was $3.2 billion -- down 18.1% year over year -- mainly because of increased volumes and costs from the Leap Wireless purchase
Wireless margins were pushed down to 16.3% (from 21.4% a year earlier) because of “strong seasonal gross adds and upgrades”, Mobile Share Value plans, and costs of new services

Other things to note for AT&T:

Source: AT&T..

Слайд 11Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
Carrier increased its dividend by 3.8%
New revenue

streams from the Internet of Things and telematics brought in an additional $585 million in 2014
Verizon now has more than 108 million retail subscribers, up 5.3% year over year
Wireless operating income margins fell to 23.5%, down from 29.5% a year ago

Other things to note for Verizon:

Source: Verizon.

Слайд 12Which Carrier Ruled Q4 2014?
While both carriers dominate the U.S. wireless

market, Verizon led the quarter in net additions -- no small feat for the nation’s largest carrier -- and managed to grow ARPA at the same time
For those reasons, Verizon ruled Q4. The carrier continually manages to stave off competitors in the fierce wireless market

So which carrier comes out on top in Q4?

Слайд 13Apple Watch Revealed: The Real Winner is Inside
Apple recently revealed the

product of its secret-development "dream team" -- Apple Watch. The secret is out, and some early viewers are claiming its everyday impact could trump the iPod, iPhone, and the iPad. In fact, ABI Research predicts 485 million of this type of device will be sold per year. But one small company makes Apple's gadget possible. And its stock price has nearly unlimited room to run for early-in-the-know investors. To be one of them, and see where the real money is to be made, just click here!

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