Презентации по Английскому языку

In a musuem
In a musuem

The aim: to revise/introduce the past Siple regular Museum – is a place where people can visit and see interesting, historikal things, collection, painting.

Освіта у Великобританії
Освіта у Великобританії

1.Вивчити слова та словосполучення до тексту: to depend on - залежати від compulsory – обов`язковий a primary school – початкова школа «intelligence tests» - тести на розумові здібності to pass – складати іспит a grammar school – тип середньої школи, яка

Listen,play and sing
Listen,play and sing


Аттестационная работа. Театр на английском языке
Аттестационная работа. Театр на английском языке

Театр на английском языке Жанр работы: образовательная программа внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку в 6 классе Образовательная организация: Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №15, городской округ Егорьевск, Московская область Актуальность Повышение эффективности обучения иностранным языкам в

St. Valentine’s Day
St. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day – when people in love express their feelings to each other. The 14th of February is the most romantic day of the whole year, the day of eternal, everlasting love and all sweethearts.

Animals PPT
Animals PPT


IELTS Speaking and Writing
IELTS Speaking and Writing

Speaking Test 1. Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work. You should say: What it is What you do with it/ How to use it How long you have had it How important

OE Morphology
OE Morphology

Typological classification (19th) A. Schleicher W. von Humboldt deals with grammatical structure of the languages Languages are divided into: Isolative Agglutinating Inflecting isolating Chinese and Vietnamese each lexical or grammatical unit of information is carried

Sport in our life
Sport in our life

Vocabulary Skating rinks Ailments Leading Comparatively Hiking Whom Pentathlon Fencer Anthem Honour THE TEXT People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people

Ancient Indian and Chinese philosophy. (Lecture 2)
Ancient Indian and Chinese philosophy. (Lecture 2)

In the West, the term Eastern (Oriental) philosophy refers very broadly to the various philosophies of “the East”, namely Asia, including China, India, Japan, Persia and other areas. One must take into account that this term ignores that these

How to shop properly
How to shop properly

Shopaholism – is one of the problems of the modern society, spread in the last ten years. Many people enjoy shopping, but when shopping becomes a fixed idea, overshadowing the other interests, we can talk about psychical dependence. Shopaholism manifests itself

English speaking countries
English speaking countries

Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways. Each country has it's own history, customs, traditions, its own national holidays. But they

Verbal means of thinking strategies in political interviews and speeches and their rendering into ukrainian
Verbal means of thinking strategies in political interviews and speeches and their rendering into ukrainian

The object of research concerns verbal means of implementation of politicians’ strategies of thinking. The subject of research concerns peculiarities of rendering verbal means of implementation of strategies of thinking in English

Lexico-syntactical. Definitions and examples. Словарь терминов по стилистике английского языка
Lexico-syntactical. Definitions and examples. Словарь терминов по стилистике английского языка

CLIMAX(gradation) a semantically complicated parallel construction, in which each next word combination (clause, sentence) is logically more important or emotionally stronger and more explicit emotive climax a two-step climax, in which the second part repeats the first

Diploma paper in philology
Diploma paper in philology

set of language means used to influence the audience and reveal some particular reasons (persuasion, informing, manipulation, inducement) Pragmatic intention

George Washington
George Washington

GEORGE WASHINGTON George Washington was the first president of the United States. He served two terms from 1789-1797. He is called the Father of Our Country. REVOLUTIONARY WAR The United States fought England in the Revolutionary War.

Личное письмо. ЕГЭ
Личное письмо. ЕГЭ

Требования к заданию 39 Дать развернутое сообщение; Запросить информацию; Использовать неофициальный стиль; Соблюдать формат неофициального письма; Содержание письма: Адрес; Дата; Обращение; Благодарность за полученное письмо; Ссылка на предыдущие контакты; Основная часть (ответы на вопросы); Запрос информации (постановка

Preparing a report
Preparing a report

Good morning (afternoon, evening), colleagues! (Гуд монин /афтенун, ивнин, колигз!) My name is ___. (Май нейм из ____.) My report is titled ___. (Май рипот из тайтлд ____.) The subject of my presentation is to tell

Неопределенно-личные и безличные предложения
Неопределенно-личные и безличные предложения

В неопределенно-личных предложениях подлежащее, как правило, выражается неопределенно-личным местоимением ONE. В функции подлежащего неопределенно-личного предложения употребляется также местоимения they, we, you, в значении неопределенного лица, исключая говорящего. Например: They say he will be back on Monday. Говорят,

Great Britain
Great Britain

Great Britain is an island in the Atlantic Ocean which is a part of the United Kingdom. Being the largest island in Europe, it’s the ninth largest island in the world. According to the latest data, the population of Great

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