Презентации по Английскому языку

The monuments to heroes of the 1st World war
The monuments to heroes of the 1st World war

The monument to heroes of World War I (Rostov- on-Don) It is one of the monuments in the city of Rostov-on-Don, dedicated to the soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army who fought in the First World War. It


London landmarks londinium  london is one of the oldest city in the world and history going back to its founding by the Romans, who named it Londinium

Вопросительные предложения и десять неправильных глаголов
Вопросительные предложения и десять неправильных глаголов

Вопросительные предложения В английском всего 5 типов вопросов. General question В вопросительных предложениях (interrogative sentences) в английском языке содержится вопрос для получения нужной информации. Всего в английском языке определяют пять видов вопросов. Одним из основных является общий вопрос (general question).

Degrees of comparison
Degrees of comparison

You, my queen, are ___; it is true. fairer fairest fair fair You are ______ than the queen of Austria. fairer fairest fair fairer

My Idol - Rafael Aghayev
My Idol - Rafael Aghayev

Rafael Aghayev: "The main thing - it is willing to win and to do everything possible to achieve it" Rafael Aghayev Azerbaijani karate, four-time world champion, ten times champion of Europe. Winner of the fifth dan. Captain of Azerbaijani

Articulatory Analysis of English Speech Sounds
Articulatory Analysis of English Speech Sounds

Principles of classification of English speech sounds speech sounds vowels consonants

Real estate agent Arthur Vasquez
Real estate agent Arthur Vasquez

Arthur Vasquez is a real estate agent in Denver working in a prestigious position at Century 21 for many years now. He should take time to know your requirements and knowledge in the specific area is useful for you, If you

Имя прилагательное. Общее грамматическое значение - признак качеств. Типичные суффиксы непродуктивные -ful, -ible, -ive
Имя прилагательное. Общее грамматическое значение - признак качеств. Типичные суффиксы непродуктивные -ful, -ible, -ive

Качественные «собственное» свойство предмета Например: цвет, форма, размер и т.п. round, white, long, good, beautiful Способ выражения значения среднее, «стандартное» свойство, без учета реальных разновидностей white snow, white wall, white chalk, white

Theoretical grammar. Review
Theoretical grammar. Review

Questions 1. Grammar as a branch of Linguistics. The basics of morphology. 2. Parts of speech in English. 3. The noun. 4. The verb: the grammatical category of voice. 5. The verb: the grammatical category of mood. 6. The structure of

My dream house
My dream house

 As I approach the island on which my dream house awaits, I catch a quick glimpse of it.  It is huge, and is the most noticeable building in the area.  My private plane lands on the air strip next to the house. 

How to shop properly?
How to shop properly?

Shopaholism – is one of the problems of the modern society, spread in the last ten years. Many people enjoy shopping, but when shopping becomes a fixed idea, overshadowing the other interests, we can talk about psychical dependence. Shopaholism manifests itself

My business is Antique Shop
My business is Antique Shop

The Antique Store “Pawn stars” The shop specializes in antiques buyers their restoration and resale at a price more expensive. Form of business – sole proprietorship. Sector of business – tertiary. General Information

English alphabet
English alphabet

Content Look and compare Alphabet Enclosure Look and compare Listen to the ABC song

Harvard University
Harvard University

Harvard is the oldest University in the USA, was founded on 8 September 1636. Named after the English missionary and philanthropist John Harvard. In the service of the University of about 2,100 professors, lecturers and instructors training 6517 students.

Places of interest in Great Britain
Places of interest in Great Britain

Great Britain is the main English-speaking country in the world. It consists of England, Scotland and Wales. There are many interesting sights in each of these countries and their capitals: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff. Millions of people visit Britain every


Мета: Перевірити знання ЛО за темою «Одяг»; розвивати абстрактне мислення; розвивати творчі здібності учнів; навчити розповідати про одяг; виховувати взаємоповагу, вміння слухати і оцінювати один одного.

Три основных глагола: to be, to do, to have
Три основных глагола: to be, to do, to have

TO BE Формы to be am are is was were been being Опции 1 Глагол-связка « быть, являться»(имя , профессия .возраст …) I am a student . He is sixteen. 2 Смысловой глагол « быть,

Welcome to BRO English. It’s time to study English, bro!
Welcome to BRO English. It’s time to study English, bro!

Rule #1. Speak English only! Rule #2. Don’t hesitate – communicate Rule #3. Learn. Use. Relax WARMING UP

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