8 Nastiest Data Breaches in 2015 презентация

Premera Cyber Attack: Approx 13 Million Premera members were affected. The information exposed includes social security numbers, date of birth, addresses and some bank account numbers.

Слайд 18 Nastiest Data Breaches in 2015

Слайд 2Premera Cyber Attack: Approx 13 Million Premera members were affected. The

information exposed includes social security numbers, date of birth, addresses and some bank account numbers.

Слайд 3Kreditech 's insider breach: The data breach that came to light

after malicious hackers posted thousands of applicants’ personal and financial records online.The site announced that a group of hackers calling itself “A4″ put the information online.

Слайд 4Amazon's Twitch Hacked: Various kinds of data was compromised, including credit

card information, in particular card type, a truncated card number and the expiration date. Twitch said all user passwords were to be reset .

Слайд 5LifeWise data breach: LifeWise has said 250,000 Oregonians’ personal information was

exposed in the attack. The type of data exposed include name, birth dates, social security numbers, mailing and email addresses, bank account information and phone numbers.

Слайд 6Chick-fil-A credit card breach: Chick-fil-A which operates restaurants in 1,850 locations

over 41 states and D.C. confirmed a credit card breach. Nearly 9,000 customer cards were affected, more than the total number of cards impacted in the Target breach.

Слайд 7Morgan Stanley insider theft: Morgan Stanley fired an employee who stole

the account names, numbers and transaction data on 350,000 clients; the insider crook’s plan was allegedly to sell customers’ data.

Слайд 8Bitstamp hacked: Slovenia-based Bitstamp warned customers not to attempt bitcoin deposits

to previously-issued bitcoin address as those deposits “cannot be honored", following a cyberattack that cause loss of 650,000 bitcoins.

Слайд 9Anthem Inc. BREACH: As many as 80 million customers of the

nation's second-largest health insurance company, Anthem Inc., have had their account information stolen when a sophisticated external cyber attack hit Anthem's computer system.

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