Merry Christmas and Happy New Year презентация

British open rear doors of houses, and then open the front door to let n the new year

Слайд 1Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Слайд 2British open rear doors of houses, and then open the front

door to let n the new year

Слайд 3Omela is a traditional Christmas tree, decorated with English at home.

Слайд 4According the custom, once a year, on Christmas Eve ,men have

a right to kiss any girl stood under an ornament from this plant

Слайд 5When James Belushi was not a famous actor, he worked part

time in a small town of Santa Claus

Слайд 6Writer O'Brien Henry became famous thanks to Christmas

Слайд 7
Christmas pudding was first made as a kind of thick soup

with raisin and wine in it

Слайд 8Before going to bed the children put on the table a

plate for gifts that they bring Santa Claus to put the hay in the shoes - a feast for the donkey.

Слайд 9Slightly before the New Year comes, begins to ring the bell.

But, in order not to scare off the New Year, it is hidden under a blanket. At midnight the bell free from the blanket, and it begins to ring loudly, signaling the start of the new year.

Слайд 12Year will be successful if, after the clock strikes midnight and

ushered in the New Year, the first guest in the house is a young man with dark hair.

Слайд 13According to custom, the first guests entered the house, silently goes

to the fireplace and there throwing a piece of coal, and then all congratulate each other. First guest must-fed.

Слайд 14After the fight, the bell people sing a hymn in honor

of the new year.

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