Fun ways to deal with difficult people for meetings, presentations, focus groups and courses презентация

If you are running an event like a meeting, presentation, sales pitch, focus group, or course

Слайд 1Fun ways to deal with difficult people for meetings, presentations, focus

groups and courses

Слайд 2If you are running an event like a meeting, presentation, sales

pitch, focus group, or course

Слайд 3You may have to deal with some funky behaviour like people

coming in late, texting
on their phone, or falling asleep

Слайд 4But what can you do if you can’t tell them off

Слайд 5Like when the person misbehaving is senior to you

Слайд 6A prospect

Слайд 7Or a paying customer

Слайд 8You need to take control without losing your cool!

Слайд 10Take a deep breath and remind yourself

Слайд 11That the bad behaviour is probably not about you

Слайд 12“My son is ill at home”

Слайд 13“I have no reason to be here”

Слайд 14“I got no sleep last night and it is hot in

this room”

Слайд 16Use these 5 fun strategies

Слайд 17#1 easy way to deal with lateness

Слайд 18Because you can’t do this: “we are going to have a

chat about timekeeping!”

Слайд 19Close the door and start on time! Don’t reward what you

don’t want by waiting

Слайд 20And because no-one likes to do this (walk into a session

that has already started)

Слайд 21He won’t be late again and neither will the rest of


Слайд 22Sorry guys!

Слайд 23You didn’t delay your session, inconvenience the people who were on

time, get stressed or annoyed and you got an apology… all without saying a word

Слайд 24#2 easy way to deal with discontent

Слайд 25If the group is just generally unhappy, don’t ignore it, deal

with it head on

Слайд 26If the session is optional
If the session is optional

Слайд 27Start by stating the purpose of the event and who would

benefit from it, then let or make, the people who feel they would not benefit leave

Слайд 28If the session is mandatory

Слайд 29Talk about how people feel about the event first

Слайд 30If it threatens to carry on too long or become too

destructive start questions with ‘considering’

Слайд 31Like this

Слайд 32Considering we ARE moving to Alaska, what would you like to

get out of the session today?

Слайд 33Repeat until everyone is happy to get on with the session

despite their reservations

Слайд 34#3 easy way to deal with 20 questions

Слайд 35Sometimes you might need to reign people in when they get


Слайд 36If they are irrelevant questions say: ‘let’s talk about that afterwards

since it’s not a group issue’

Слайд 37If the questions are relevant (but there are just too many)

Слайд 38Say: ‘Let’s get back to our session since we are running

out of time’

Слайд 40Use the strategies for dealing with dominant types

Слайд 42If one or two people dominate the meeting and no-one else

can get a word in

Слайд 43“My experience is blah blah blah”

Слайд 44Subtly discourage them using your position in the room

Слайд 45Without turning your back on them move to a position where

you will not have eye contact

Слайд 46Sitting on their desk is also a great way to include

them with your proximity but give
the floor to the rest of the class

Слайд 53Try mentioning something they said earlier. No-one is humiliated and the

near miss really makes people perk up

Слайд 55While you are talking very slowly walk towards them. Make sure

you don’t just look directly at them, that would be a bit creepy

Слайд 57This also works really well if someone is nodding off

Слайд 60It works like magic

Слайд 61Ta da, you now own the room. Want to see more

fun stuff?

Слайд 62Click the slide decks to view them in a new window

Слайд 63Want to know how to make spiffy slides? Article 10 training

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