Worldwide box office revenues
Had George Lucas not written extensive backstories for all of the Star Wars characters the story would have stopped at the first film. Darth Vader would have had no where to go.
Source: Forbes, Lucasfilms - Research Date: 1.1.2014
Star Wars Episode IV:
A New Hope
Additional Box Office revenues created by extending the Star Wars Story.
Source: Forbes, Lucasfilms - Research Date: 1.1.2014
George Lucas had written an extensive backstory though. Between 1977 and 1983 used it to create three amazing films.
Star Wars Episode v:
The Empire Strikes back
Star Wars Episode v1:
return of the jedi
Additional Box-Office revenues created by filming the backstory.
Star Wars Episode 1:
The Phantom Menance
Star Wars Episode II:
Attack of the clones
Star Wars Episode III:
revenge of the sith
Source: Forbes, Lucasfilms - Research Date: 1.1.2014
So extensive was the Star Wars story universe that, between 1999 and 2005, Lucas Film went on to create an additional set of three films that focused completely on the backstory - answering questions such as: who was Darth Vader, where did he come from and how to he become evil? They weren’t as amazing as the first three films.
Star Wars Episode III:
revenge of the sith
The backstory made it possible to extend the Star Wars brand into other areas, such as animated films for television and computer games.
OVERALL Worldwide box office revenues
The backstory feeds audience curiosity
Source: Forbes, Lucasfilms - Research Date: 1.1.2014
The backstory becomes a story franchise
The success of Star Wars lies in its rich backstory with hundreds of interconnected characters, all of which have their own story to tell which then, in turn, become part of the story franchise.
Story franchise
719 Characters
*August 2013
sympathy bonds
A final emotional discharge. Church.
How the poppy appeal works
Every autumn, the commonwealth states remember their fallen soldiers. Small paper poppies are sold, without a fixed price, and the money collected goes to support charities that look after elderly, disabled or injured servicemen and women.
In Flanders Fields
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hennasabel/4761642512
Remembrance day & the poppy appeal – The mythology
16 Million deaths
20 million casualties
1914 – 1918 – 1st world war
11th November at 11:00 hrs.
Armistice Day
15th May 1915
The funeral of Alexis Helmer
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/flintfamilyphotos/14299477616
100.000 wreaths
750.000 Crosses
Remembrance day & the poppy appeal – The application
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/howardlake/5123632604
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tadekk/2228754127
Remembrance day & the poppy appeal – The application
Poppy pressure
Pressure campaign
Remembrance day & the poppy appeal – CLIMAX
One minute of complete silence – throughout the country
Contact details
Marcus John Henry Brown UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Jahnstrasse 34c
80469 München
Email: mail@marcusjohnhenrybrown.com
+49 (0)89 2351 3330
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