To Cloud or Not To Cloud ? презентация

Myth # 1 - Cloud is Too New

Слайд 1

To Cloud or Not To Cloud ?
Michael Yung Immediate Past President -


Слайд 2

Слайд 4Myth # 1 - Cloud is Too New

Слайд 5Not Quite
Coined by Compaq Executive George Favaloro back in 1996

Слайд 6Myth # 2 - Cloud is Just a Fad

Слайд 7Not Quite
We are talking about US$ 100B Public Cloud spending in

2015 (Forrester Research)

Слайд 8Myth # 3 - Cloud is Costly

Слайд 9Cloud Services Characteristics
On-demand self-services
Resource Pooling
Rapid elasticity
Measured services
Source : AWS

Слайд 10Capacity – Traditional Ways
Source : AWS

Слайд 11Capacity – Wastages and Dissatisfactions
Source : AWS

Слайд 12Elastic Capacity – The Cloud Ways
Source : AWS

Слайд 13Myth # 4 - Cloud is Not Secure

Слайд 14Insecure ?
Truth is that data and systems residing in public or

private clouds are as secure as you make them
Typically, cloud-based systems can be more secure than existing internal systems if you do the upfront work required

Слайд 15Barriers
Perceived Loss of control
Lack of clarity around responsibilities, liabilities and

Lack of transparency / clarity in SLA / interoperability / awareness and expertise

Слайд 16Cloud …
is not New
is not a Fad
is more Cost Effective
is Secure


Слайд 17To Jump or Not to Jump ?

Слайд 18Next Step ?
Proper Risk Assessment

Слайд 19Risks and Security Concerns
Vendor Lock In
Poor SLA
3rd Party access to Data

DR Plan

Few tools, procedures or standard formats available for data and service portability

Service level affects confidentiality and availability

The needs to protect the intellectual property, trade secrets, personal data; complied to regulations / laws in different geographical regions

Business continuity and disaster recovery plans must be well documented and tested

Service and contractual risks

Слайд 20Risks and Security Concerns
Integration / Bandwidth
Encryption and Identity Mgnt
Testing and Monitoring


How to integrate the in-house systems to the Cloud ?
High speed bandwidth ready ?

Speedy encryption / decryption – in transit, at rest, destruction;
Identity management

Provider may not allow you to do thorough PEN test, audit;
Are there good monitoring tools available ?

Overbooking, underbooking;
Handling of DOS attack; Payment cap

Technology risks

Слайд 21Questions To Ask …
When and where to use the cloud –

the business case
SLO (and then SLA)
Availability, reliability, accessibility, performance and security
Along with what best practices
People, processes, change management etc.
Along with what technologies, services, vendors
Servers, storage, network, software etc.

Слайд 22Bear In Mind …
Even though you are outsourcing some of your

infrastructure to the cloud
You are not outsourcing to vendor, the …
Accountability and
Compliance obligations
Find the right Cloud Services Provider – qualified, Security Standards compliance

Слайд 23ISO 27001, 27002, 27017, 27018, 29100



Security Standards the answer ?

Слайд 24Standards Development / Setting Organizations (SDO / SSO)
DMTF = Distributed Management

Task Force
ENISA = European Network and Information Security Agency
ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute
IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
INCITS = International Committee for Information Technology Standards
ISO = International Organization for Standardization
ITU-T = International Telecommunication Union – Telecom
NIST = National Institute for Standards and Technology
OASIS = Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
SNIA = Storage Networking Industry Association
TCG = Trusted Computing Group

Alphabet Soup

Слайд 25SDO / SSO Relationships
Alphabet and Spaghetti Soup

Слайд 26 Any Pointers ?

Слайд 27Do Our Homework … Self Assessment

Слайд 28Get Help from Professionals
Companies and individuals with certifications
An objective measurement of

a professional’s knowledge and skills in Security, Governance and Cloud technology
Committing the effort and resources to obtain certification indicates seriousness of prospective companies and individuals

Слайд 29 Take Away Messages
Credit : Ching Yiu

Слайд 30Take Away Messages
Cloud is real and here to stay
Take ownership and

Review your current set up and the Cloud Services Provider with guidelines
Focus in the SLO and SLA
Ask for expert help from services providers, and professional organizations

Слайд 31To Cloud or Not To Cloud ?

Слайд 32
Thank You !!

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