Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users презентация

Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users Brian Kelly Innovation Advocate Cetis University of Bolton Bolton, UK Contact Details Email: ukwebfocus@gmail.com Twitter: @briankelly

Слайд 1Presentation by Brian Kelly, UKOLN on 25 October 2012 for an

Open Access Week event at the University of Exeter

Talk by Brian Kelly, Cetis on 15 May 2014 at the CILIP Wales conference

Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users

Event hashtag: #cilipw14

Слайд 2
Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support

Your Users

Brian Kelly
Innovation Advocate
University of Bolton
Bolton, UK

Contact Details
Email: ukwebfocus@gmail.com
Twitter: @briankelly
Cetis Web site: http://www.cetis.ac.uk/
Blog: http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/

Slides and further information available at http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/events/cilip-wales-2014-editing-wikipedia/

Event hashtag: #cilipw14

Слайд 3About Me
Brian Kelly:
Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton
Was UK Web

Focus at UKOLN, University of Bath
Prolific blogger (1,250+ posts since Nov 2006)
User of various devices to support professional activities (Open Educational Practices)
Involvement in Wikipedia and Wikimedia UK:
Created first article in 2004
Involved in Wikipedia training and Edit-a-thons since 2013
Accredited Wikipedia trainer
Regard Wikipedia as an example of an Open Educational Practice


Слайд 4

You are free to:
copy, share, adapt, or re-mix;
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live-blog, or post video of

this presentation provided that:

You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights and licences associated with its components.

Idea from Cameron Neylon

Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero.
Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:

Source cited!

Слайд 5About You
Who has:
Has a Wikipedia account?
Has edited Wikipedia articles?
Who would:
Like to

create an account?
Create a user profile?
Perhaps even update an article?
Feel free to do this during this talk!

Слайд 6About You
Who has:
Has a Wikipedia account?
Has edited Wikipedia articles?
Who would:
Like to

create an account?
Create a user profile?
Perhaps even update an article?
Feel free to do this during this talk!

Click here from any Wikipedia page

Слайд 7Is Wikipedia Relevant?
Who has:
Used Wikipedia?
Spotted errors in Wikipedia?
Updated Wikipedia?

Wikipedia in the

library - the elephant in the (reading) room? Nancy Graham and Andrew Gray, LILAC 2014

Слайд 8Is Wikipedia Relevant?
Who has:
Used Wikipedia?
Spotted errors in Wikipedia?
Updated Wikipedia?

Wikipedia in the

library - the elephant in the (reading) room? Nancy Graham and Andrew Gray, LILAC 2014

Слайд 9Why Wikipedia is Important
From Wikimedia UK

Слайд 10
Top Tips
No. 1: Understand why Wikipedia is important to librarians

Слайд 11Eduwiki (UK) 2013
Eduwiki conference:
Held in Cardiff on 1-2 Dec 2013
Second EduWiki

UK conference
Welsh language issues
Case studies from higher education and schools
Broader considerations

Слайд 12Two Case Studies
Summary of two case studies presented at EduWiki

Safe Use of Wikipedia in the Transition from School to University, Lisa Anderson and Nancy Graham, University of Birmingham (now Roehampton)
Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages, Humphrey Southall, University of Portsmouth

EduWiki 2013

Слайд 13
Outreach work by University of Birmingham Library
Demonstrate information literacy approaches to

school pupils
Students surprised that Wikipedia was shown

Слайд 14Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English


This was the assignment (see “Telling the stories of rural England with Wikipedia” )

Humphrey Southall at EduWiki conference 

EduWiki 2013

Слайд 15Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English


Notice how Neutral Point of View principle was addressed

EduWiki 2013

Слайд 16Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English


Example of article chosen for updating by student

EduWiki 2013

Слайд 17Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English


Article after updating

EduWiki 2013

Слайд 18Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English


Students learn about researching and citations

EduWiki 2013

Слайд 19
Top Tips
No. 2: Understand how Wikipedia is being used in education

Слайд 20Wikipedia Behind the Article
Who has looked at the information about

a Wikipedia article?

Слайд 21Wikipedia Behind the Article
We can see the history of the

development of an article (contributors, update dates; …)

Слайд 22
Top Tips
No. 3: Gain a better understanding of the Wikipedia service

Слайд 23Be Willing to Update Wikipedia Articles
Spot an error in a Wikipedia


Слайд 24Be Willing to Update Wikipedia Articles
Spot an error in a Wikipedia

Identify an area for improvement

As an information professional wouldn’t you wish to ensure that such information is accurate?
(Especially if this can be done in minutes!)

Слайд 25
Top Tips
No. 4: Be willing to update Wikipedia articles

Слайд 26Why You Should Have a Wikipedia Account
Using a Wikipedia account to

edit articles is recommended:
Record of contributions
Ability to:
Create new articles
Join in discussions
Have customised preferences

Слайд 27Creating an Account
Feel feel to:
Go to a Wikipedia page and click

Create Account
Then complete the form

A: New users

Did you do it in less than a minute?

Слайд 28
Top Tips
No. 5: Create a Wikipedia account

Слайд 29Create a User Profile
Nancy Graham’s user profile

User: msnancygraham
Use search box as

a quick way to find user profiles

Слайд 30Create a User Profile
Nancy Graham’s user profile


User: msnancygraham

Слайд 31Today’s Goal : Create a User Profile
http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/User:Lawsonstu

Слайд 32
Top Tips
No. 6: Create a Wikipedia profile

Слайд 33Be Ethical!
Quality of Wikipedia articles is provided by volunteer effort

do not:
Introduce errors to see how soon they are corrected

[[Swansea city centre|central Swansea]]

Слайд 34
Outreach work by Uni of Birmingham Library
Demonstrate information literacy approaches to

school pupils
Surprise that Wikipedia was shown

“Live edit a Wikipedia entry – highlight how quickly edits are corrected”
But should pages be ‘vandalised’ in order to demonstrate how the community fixes such vandalism?
Highlighted need to address best practices for those who teach use of Wikipedia.

Слайд 35
Top Tips
No. 7: Be ethical

Слайд 36Content Can Change!
Changes to the Jalalpur, Bihar arty=icle

Minor edit made

Слайд 37Content Can Change!
Changes to the Jalalpur, Bihar arty=icle
This article was

proposed for deletion by Lfstevens on 2 May 2014 with the comment: unnotable, uncited stub It was contested by Necrothesp on 7 May 2014 with the comment: deprod; all settlements are considered to be notable; cleaned up

Слайд 38
Top Tips
No. 8: Be prepared for your contributions to be changed

Слайд 39The Five Pillars
Fundamental principles by which the Wikimedia community operates...
1. is

an encyclopedia
2. is written from a neutral point of view
3. is free content that anyone can edit / use/ modify / share
4. editors should respect each other
5. does not have any firm rules

Слайд 40Key Principles for Content (1)
No original research
All research must come from

published sources e.g.
Peer-reviewed journals
Peer-reviewed books
University-level textbooks
Magazines, journals and books published by respected publishing houses
Mainstream newspapers

Слайд 41Key Principles for Content (2)
Neutral Point of View
Content should be provided

from a neutral point of view:
If your viewpoint is in the majority, then it should be easy to substantiate it with reference to commonly accepted reference texts;
If your viewpoint is held by a significant minority, then it should be easy to name prominent adherents;
If your viewpoint is held by an extremely small minority, then — whether it's true or not, whether you can prove it or not — it doesn't belong in Wikipedia, except perhaps in some ancillary article.

Слайд 42
Top Tips
No. 9: Understand the Wikipedia principles

Слайд 43Supporting Others
About a training course – see http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/events/lilac-2014-getting-to-grips-with-wikipedia/

Слайд 44Supporting Others
Approaches to the following aspects:
Creating a Wikipedia profile
Editing existing articles

new articles
What can go wrong?
Conforming with Wikipedia principles
Useful resources
Question time and discussion

Structure of a one-hour hands-on session

Слайд 45Structure of Workshop
Structure of hour-long session:
About the session
Creating an account: 1

slide. Now login and do it! (not needed for some, so some moved on to next part, creating or editing user profile based on existing profiles)

Basic Editing

Case study 1: Basic editing

Change examples to relevant profiles (e.g. for sessions for librarians)

See http://www.slideshare.net/lisbk/wikipedia-training-the-trainer-34540111

Слайд 46Structure of Workshop
Structure of hour-long session:
About the session
Creating an account

a user profile: 4 slides Now create a profile using plain text

Basic Editing

See http://www.slideshare.net/lisbk/wikipedia-training-the-trainer-34540111

Слайд 47Structure of Workshop
Structure of hour-long session
About the session
Creating an account

a user profile
Wikimedia syntax (formatting, headings and links): 1 slide Now improve your profile; feel free to reuse ideas for profiles we’ve shown. Slide left on screen during exercise.

Basic Editing

Case study 1: Basic editing

See http://www.slideshare.net/lisbk/wikipedia-training-the-trainer-34540111

Слайд 48Structure of Workshop
Structure of hour-long session
About the session
Creating an account

a user profile
Wikimedia syntax (formatting, headings and links)
Next steps (adding metadata and finding pages to be improved): 4 slides

Basic Editing

See http://www.slideshare.net/lisbk/wikipedia-training-the-trainer-34540111

Слайд 49
Top Tips
No. 10: Support others (and feel free to reuse existing


Слайд 50Don’t Forget Wicipedia
Don’t Forget Wicipedia Cymraeg (the Welsh Wicipedia): http://cy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defnyddiwr:Llywelyn2000

Слайд 51Learning from Others
Example of contributors to Wikipedia Wales

Слайд 52
Top Tips
No. 11: Don’t forget Wicipedia!

Слайд 53Conclusions
Understand why Wikipedia is important to librarians
Understand how Wikipedia is

being used
Gain a better understanding of the Wikipedia service
Be willing to update Wikipedia articles
Create a Wikipedia account
Create a Wikipedia profile
Be ethical
Be prepared for your contributions to be changed
Understand the Wikipedia principles
Support others (and feel free to reuse existing materials)
Don’t forget Wicipedia!


Слайд 55Questions?
Any questions, comments, …?
Continue the discussion: blog post about this presentation

linked in http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/events/cilip-wales-2014-editing-wikipedia/

Слайд 56This presentation, “Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can

Support Your Users” by Brian Kelly, Cetis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
Note the licence covers most of the text in this presentation. Quotations may have other licence conditions.
Images may have other licence conditions. Where possible links are provided to the source of images so that licence conditions can be found.

Slides and further information available at http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/events/cilip-wales-2014-editing-wikipedia/

Licence and Additional Resources

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