Social Media for Real Estate презентация

Pareto’s Principle: 80-20 Rule What technology fits the rule for 2014? Search? Lead Buying? Social Media? ?? The Next Big Thing: Drones?

Слайд 1Social Media for Real Estate
Presenter: Michael Hetzer
President/Founder: Lockbox Social

Слайд 2Pareto’s Principle: 80-20 Rule
What technology fits the rule for 2014?
Lead Buying?

?? The Next Big Thing: Drones?

Слайд 3Technology Overload

Слайд 4The Renaissance Realtor’s first name is always “Steven”

Слайд 5Steven…
Spielberg, because he creates engaging video

Слайд 6Steven…
Jobs, because he is a wiz at technology

Слайд 7Steven…

King, because he is able to crank out blogs, tweets, comments

and other engaging, written content on a daily basis.

Слайд 8Steven…
Covey, because you cram 48 hours of productivity into a 24

hour day.

Слайд 9Now you’re Chuck Yeager? Really?

Слайд 10Wasn’t technology supposed to make things easier?

Слайд 11The 80-20 Rule in Action: The Email Challenge
Open rate: 10 percent
Open rate:

100 percent

Слайд 12The Email Challenge
Open rate: 10 percent
Open rate: 100 percent

Слайд 13The Limits of Technology
I wonder how many leads are dying a

fast death right now in his CRM…

Слайд 14Search (Google, Bing)
Quality traffic
Owned by the portals
PPC is expensive

Слайд 15Portals Are Not Your Friend
“Haven’t they done us a favor?”
They optimize

OUR data (SEO)
We pay them for the service
For now, yes, but…
Price of leads will rise
Quality will fall
ROI ? 0%
Already happened in Mortgage, Insurance, Travel, Education and Auto, to name a few.

Слайд 16The Obligatory Godfather Slide

Слайд 17The Good News

Слайд 18Why Social Fits the 80-20 Rule
Networking, 24/7, automated
Markets within your sphere

of influence
Builds brands (Just ask Coca-Cola)
Not shifting sand
You own it (you’ve gone from lead buyer to lead generator)
**Oh yeah, and it’s free**

Слайд 19Social Media IS the marketing plan
Sherry Chris
President and CEO
Better Homes and

Gardens Real Estate LLC
Speaking at RealTech, Las Vegas 2014

Слайд 20The Catch
The buy-in is not money, it’s content
Pictures, video, articles, pithy

thoughts, helpful answers, brilliant insights.
This stuff is work
Who has time for this?

Слайд 21Pareto’s Principle: Identify the “20%”

Слайд 22Infrastructure
Facebook – Because everyone is there
Twitter – Because you are mobile

- Because it’s going to BIG
YouTube – Because it’s the #2 search engine
Blog (WordPress or Blogger) – Because with it, you can rule all the other sites.

Слайд 23The Social Media Wagon Wheel

Слайд 24The Social Media Wagon Wheel
Hub: Your Blog
Around the rim: Social Media

Leads flows back to the Blog
Everything also flows OUT from the blog

Слайд 25Step 1: Write your blog post

Слайд 26Step 2: Share

Слайд 27That’s it! Now repeat for other sites…

Слайд 28Remember Your Website?
Social media is now a traffic source
Blog links back

to your website
Lead capture
IDX feed
Content goes out, leads come into the blog, and then flow downhill to the website.

Слайд 29Branding
Cover art musts:
Contact information

Слайд 30Good Example

Слайд 31Keep cover images the same

Слайд 32Content
80 percent about “them”
20 percent about “you”
Be a Giver
Have Fun
Know the


Слайд 33The Wagon Wheel at Work
Each new listing is announced in a

blog post and shared to all social sites with a link to the listing pages (Time: 5 mins)

Each listing gets “dripped” with a twice-monthly post in the blog that is shared to all social sites. (Time 5 mins)

Price Reductions, Just Sold, Open House (Time 5 mins)

Tweet Open House at Start and Finish (Time: <5 mins)

Слайд 41Video
Tempting to skip… don’t
$5 and 5 minutes to do a slideshow

Post on your YouTube channel
Do not remove

Слайд 42Now You’re Special
Social Media listing presentation should include:
Blog site
All social

YouTube Channel
Listing pages for a sample listing (what I can do for you!)

Слайд 43Michael Hetzer President/Founder Lockbox Social

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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