Comparison analysis of DBMSs and development of data store module. Сoncept for financial analysis needs презентация

Слайд 1«Comparison analysis of DBMSs and development of data store module concept

for financial analysis needs»

Made by the Р9-204 group student:
Grinenko A. M.
Research advisor:
Pakhomov A. P.

January, 18 2016г

Слайд 2Aims and goals
Aims and goals:
Compare different DBMS and data storage approaches

and explane better performance
Develop a data store concept for financial analysis

Research actuality:
New data technologies give instruments for data storage improvements but they are not actually used.

Слайд 3Case study highlight
Improved performance = better decision-making:
Huge amount of information from

different organizations
Different data types.
Unstructured data parsing.
Detailed, accurate search.
Quick indexes update.

Слайд 4DBMS
DataBase Management Systems
Object-oriented DMBS
Relational DBMS

NoSQL Search Engines
In-memory databases

Слайд 5Relational vs NoSQL

Compare productivity using two metricks:
Queries per second;
Queries per second

per thread;

Слайд 6Estimations

MongoDB could handle more complex queries faster than Oracle;
Oracle performs better

when deleting data when MongoDB performed better during insertions;

Слайд 7ElasticSearch vs Mongodb

Слайд 8Data storage prototype

Слайд 9Results

Different DBMS and data storage approaches were compared

Better performance was measured

and explained

The data store concept for financial analysis workspace was developed

Слайд 10Thank you for attention!

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