Grow Linked презентация


No, LinkedIn is not just ‘a place to put your CV’

Слайд 1in-fluence.
Grow Linked
Why LinkedIn is an economic & influence powerhouse, not just

‘a place to put your CV’

Слайд 2No, LinkedIn is not just ‘a place to put your CV’

Слайд 4 has 380 million global users
in 200 countries
in 20

with 7 million Australians on board

LinkedIn -

Слайд 5It’s the new global lunch

Слайд 7But signing up and not doing anything is like standing in

the corner at that lunch

Слайд 8You’ve got to DO something once you are there

Слайд 9That is what this presentation is about

Слайд 10And while it’s not just ‘a place to put your CV’

it has a huge influence on jobs

Слайд 11Recruitment
algorithms + people = the new recruiter

Слайд 12LinkedIn has 3 million active job listings
94% of recruiters use LinkedIn

of recruiters ONLY reach out here
40% of users, use mobile to look for a job
stats from expanded ramblings

Слайд 13That means algorithms are as important as people for being found,

although …

Слайд 14…social media helps shift your mindset from – ‘please pick

me’ to ‘I pick myself’ [more on that later]

Слайд 15Investment
connects you directly with potential investors

Слайд 16Year on year trust declines – except in peers, friends &

subject matter experts

Edelman Trust Barometer 2015

Слайд 17And where are those conversations happening?

Слайд 18In #socialmedia

Слайд 19You might find it counterintuitive but we trust friends even when

they are ‘virtual’ [they’ve no investment in what coffee we drink or shoes we buy, they only get a warm glow from pointing us in the right direction]

Слайд 20Facts
90% of high networth investors use social media
70% change a portfolio

mix or provider because of content they find on LinkedIn
stats from this article

Слайд 21For Millenials it’s higher again

Слайд 22In its Investor Brandscape report Cogent found investors under the age

of 30 were nine times more likely to develop relationships with asset managers via social media than the over 30 group.

Слайд 23Millenials are also twice as likely to depend on advisors for

recommendations because of lack of experience.

Слайд 24Get your content in front of the people who count.

Слайд 25Equity raising
a trusted network of likeminded people

Слайд 26LinkedIn lets you -
Tell your story directly (not through

a 3rd party)
Identify experts for advice
Engage with existing and potential investors
Grow a trusted network

Слайд 27Social media is key to investment strategy.

-David Teten
Chair, Harvard Business


Слайд 28You can map the kinds of people you need to reach

at each stage of the investment cycle


Слайд 29Use advanced LinkedIn search to identify them, reach out through common

connections or directly


Слайд 30Develop a content strategy that gets your narrative in front of

them including through SlideShare


Слайд 31Interact directly, in comments, through groups and by sharing to create

a community and generate interest


Слайд 32Business Growth
publish content to build thought leadership, empower staff, shorten

the sales cycle and decrease marketing costs


Слайд 33Publish thought leadership and helpful content

Слайд 34You can post a quick status update
Or a detailed post

of readers on LinkedIn are upper echelon decision makers
You’re reaching them in ‘down time’ when they’re receptive
You can write dense, data-based content
You can share what you write on LinkedIn and other platforms

Слайд 35Your content
Should be helpful & directly reflect the work

you do
Be provocative, ask questions or challenge views
Is social proof that you walk your talk

Слайд 36Empower staff
employees are your frontline brand ambassadors

Слайд 37CEOs who don’t want staff on LinkedIn are suppressing something that

will happen anyway.

-Craig McDonald
CEO, MailGuard

Слайд 38Weber Shandwick says 81% of executives want to work for a

Brandfog says 2/3 customers trust a #socialCEO
Statistia says 82% of employees believe a #socialCEO benefits company reputation

Слайд 39Grow networks
shorten the sales cycle, reassign marketing costs

Слайд 40Sales
Ken Krogue says you need 6 contacts at least in

a sales cycle, each social touch counts
Social selling expert Timothy Hughes says there has been a shift in buyer behaviour and that 25% of B2B sales jobs will go
Tim says we’re now 50 – 80% through our buying cycle before we talk to a person

Слайд 41Actions
Extend a real life meeting with a LinkedIn invite

Send a follow up message
Set a reminder notice in InMail
Share valuable-to-them information

Слайд 42Marketing
save 25% on research
Ask a question in a

status update
Create a quick poll

Слайд 43Rare talent, real time skills
snap up rare talent, verify new training

methods, create training to provide almost real time skills


Слайд 44Right now there are about 100,000 software engineering jobs and not

enough software engineers

Слайд 45Formal training is still important but we’ve seen the emergence of

6-12 week immersive boot camps

Слайд 46Do they work?

Слайд 47 In 2011, 1 in 100 LinkedIn members did a boot

In 2014 there were 8000 graduates
In 2015 we predict a doubling to 16,000 graduates

Слайд 48Who employs them?

Слайд 4910 companies employing them
Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, JPMorgan Chase,

Salesforce, Accenture, American Express, and LinkedIn   

Слайд 50There can be unintended positive consequences too…

Слайд 5127 out of 150+ university tech-based programs have 20% of females

are about 40% female
HackerYou graduates are 65% female

We also know of the rising business stars referred to as ‘new wavers’ 80% didn’t go to an Ivy League university for their undergraduate education, and only 15% earned a M.B.A
Build a company page
Encourage employees to use LinkedIn to amplify your brand
Check out Lynda on LinkedIn.

Слайд 52Remember too that ‘new wavers’, the ‘big wigs’ of the future

are doing things differently

Слайд 5380% did not go to an Ivy League University
15% have

a university degree
Almost all are social

We also know of the rising business stars referred to as ‘new wavers’ 80% didn’t go to an Ivy League university for their undergraduate education, and only 15% earned a M.B.A
Build a company page
Encourage employees to use LinkedIn to amplify your brand
Check out Lynda on LinkedIn.

“New wavers”

Слайд 54Pick yourself
grow authority & influence

Слайд 551 million unique publishers
130,000 posts a week (from highly skilled people)

45% upper rank readers

We also know of the rising business stars referred to as ‘new wavers’ 80% didn’t go to an Ivy League university for their undergraduate education, and only 15% earned a M.B.A
Build a company page
Encourage employees to use LinkedIn to amplify your brand
Check out Lynda on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the biggest publishing house in the world

Слайд 56It’s not ‘either/or’

Слайд 57Publishing houses say that after authors publish content on LinkedIn it

create sales spikes in for them

We also know of the rising business stars referred to as ‘new wavers’ 80% didn’t go to an Ivy League university for their undergraduate education, and only 15% earned a M.B.A
Build a company page
Encourage employees to use LinkedIn to amplify your brand
Check out Lynda on LinkedIn.

Слайд 58People who publish on LinkedIn can also grow authority including with

the media

Слайд 59Social media can help do away with old-school blocks

Слайд 61Opens networks (there are 2 billion users)
Gets your foot in the

door (helps with certain biases that may keep you off a job shortlist)
Gives you a voice (people choose what they want to read so you don’t need to be confident or extravert)
Makes you visible 24/7 while you juggle real life commitments

We also know of the rising business stars referred to as ‘new wavers’ 80% didn’t go to an Ivy League university for their undergraduate education, and only 15% earned a M.B.A
Build a company page
Encourage employees to use LinkedIn to amplify your brand
Check out Lynda on LinkedIn.

Social media -

Слайд 62LinkedIn has now created a job app that lets you search

real time while you’re on the move

Слайд 64Apply with a click to submit your LinkedIn profile

Слайд 65Did you know that applicants who apply for job opportunities on

the first day of a job are 10% more likely to get it?

Слайд 66Ask yourself if you’d be happy to submit your current LinkedIn

profile for a dream job with a single click?

Слайд 67That is what you’ll be doing.  

Слайд 68Grow Linked in.fluence
Connect with me on LinkedIn

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