Grow Your Confidence and Be Your Best! презентация

Слайд 1Grow Your Confidence and Be Your Best!
A Human Workplace Slideshare Deck

Слайд 2Nearly everyone struggles with confidence at some point
“I wish I felt

more sure about this decision.”
“I hate having to answer questions at job interviews!”
“Why do I criticize myself so much?”

Слайд 3Almost everyone has experienced a MOJO DROP
Maybe your job went away

start to doubt yourself!
“Maybe when I felt competent and on top of things, I wasn’t!”
Maybe I’m not that great after all!

Слайд 4You are fine! It’s just that your MOJO FUEL TANK is


If your car were out of gas, you wouldn’t beat up on yourself, would you?

Слайд 5We all get depleted!
Too much stress can make your confidence disappear!

Слайд 6When our MOJO disappears, we forget about…
Our talents
Our accomplishments
The people who

love and support us
Our dreams
How great we felt and how much fun we had when we had LOTS OF MOJO!

Слайд 7Your MOJO will come back!
Five ways to rebuild your confidence:
Get enough

Do something you like to do every day
Spend time with supportive friends
Get a journal and write in it
Make your MOJO Fuel Tank a priority – but how?

Слайд 8Grow your confidence with us!
Join us in the virtual course Grow

Your Confidence and Be Your Best!

Choose the four-week edition, 12-week standard edition or 12-week Extreme Mojo Boost edition!

Слайд 9How does the course work?
You’ll receive a new lesson every week,

with exercises and fun extras!
You’ll work on your lessons as it suits your schedule best.

Слайд 10Which edition is best for me?
Choose the Four-Week edition if you

need a confidence boost.

Choose the 12-Week Standard Edition if you want to get past confidence challenges in your way.

Choose the 12-Week Advanced EXTREME MOJO BOOST Edition if confidence issues are holding you back at work or in your life.

Слайд 11Here’s what other course members say:
“Thank you Human Workplace folks! Your

exercises reminded me how many awesome things I’ve done in my career and how much I still want to accomplish. Thank you for giving me my MOJO back!”

“I recommend this course for anyone who struggles with confidence issues. I was in my own way!”

Слайд 12How much does the course cost?
Grow Your Confidence and Be Your

a virtual course beginning June 6th, 2015

Four-Week Edition: USD $129
12-week Standard Edition: USD $299
12-week Advanced EXTREME MOJO Edition: USD $599

Слайд 13Questions for us?
Reach us here!
We are Human Workplace – a publishing,

coaching and consulting firm. Our mission is to reinvent work for people.

Human Workplace is a worldwide movement launched in 2012, with over one million members so far!

Twitter: @humanworkplace

Слайд 14Get your MOJO back!

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