3 Stocks That Soared Stupendously This Week презентация

Слайд 13 Stocks That Soared Stupendously This Week

Слайд 2Biotech and health-care certainly aren’t as hot as they were just

a few months ago. There are still several bright spots in the sectors, though. Here are three health-care stocks racking up gains of 27% or more over the last few days.




Слайд 3Shares of the biotech skyrocketed 50% this week.
Sarepta Therapeutics (Nasdaq:SRPT)

Yahoo! Finance

Слайд 4Sarepta announced plans to submit a New Drug Application, or NDA,

for eteplirsen by the end of 2014
Its Duchenne muscular dystrophy drug can proceed on an Accelerated Approval pathway
The company must supply additional data to support eteplirsen’s efficacy and safety with the NDA
This news marked a major reversal by the FDA, which had previously called an NDA for the drug as “premature” with “considerable doubt” about some aspects of Sarepta’s clinical studies

Why Sarepta shares skyrocketed

Слайд 5Shares of the medical marijuana company jumped nearly 35% higher for

the week.

GW Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq:GWPH)

Source: Yahoo! Finance

Слайд 6GW Pharmaceuticals benefited from two endorsements
Investment firm Morgan Stanley initiated coverage

with an “overweight” rating
CNBC’s Jim Cramer also plugged GW’s prospects on his television program
GW’s cannabinoid multiple sclerosis drug Sativex is approved in 24 countries
Epilepsy drug Epidiolex holds promise for driving future growth

Why GW hit the jackpot

Слайд 7Shares of the biopharmaceutical firm vaulted 27% higher this week.

Biopharma (Nasdaq:GALE)

Source: Yahoo! Finance

Слайд 8Anticipation appears to be the impetus for Galena’s big gains --

the company announces Q1 results on May 6
Investors will focus on sales for breakthrough cancer pain drug Abstral and any news about cancer drug Neuvax
Neuvax could become a big winner for Galena should the phase 3 study currently underway produce solid results
It remains to be seen if this week’s jump marks a comeback for Galena following news announced last month that the SEC is investigating some stock promotion activities conducted by the company

Why Galena galloped

Слайд 9Successful clinical results for GW Pharmaceuticals’ Epidiolex and Galena’s Neuvax could

power both stocks to higher levels
Sarepta’s stock price remains well below levels from last October, when investors thought the company would receive a green light from the FDA to move forward with the NDA for eteplirsen
Volatility could still reign for Sarepta – and there’s a good chance that the FDA will still not approve eteplirsen this go-around
Over the long run, though, my view is that Sarepta will be able to make a solid case for eteplirsen and the stock will emerge (again) as a big winner

Best pick to keep soaring?


Слайд 10Find out which stock The Motley Fool’s chief investment officer selected

as the top pick for 2014 in our free report!

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