Dealing with difficult people презентация

Our Team

Слайд 1Dealing with difficult people.

Слайд 2Our Team

Слайд 3How to recognize difficult people

Слайд 4Types of difficult people

Слайд 5How difficult people effect our lives

Слайд 6How to deal with difficult people

Слайд 7How to know if you are a difficult person.

Do you find it funny to see other people squirm? Do you go out of your way to make people feel under pressure for no reason? Tank person
2. Do you find that even when you’re trying to be helpful by explaining something or providing information, people don’t want to seem to listen to you? ???
3. Do you find that people seem resentful and angry when you offer objective, helpful criticism or advice? Know it all person
4. Do you feel annoyed because people tend to refuse to acknowledge your greater experience or knowledge in an area, and instead, ignore your suggestions? Know it all person
5. Do you find yourself confronting people with aggressive behaviour or shouting and yelling? Tank person
6. Do you find yourself complaing more than often about a lot of things and feel like the world is against you and feel helpless? Whiner person
7. In a moment of decision do you procrastinates in the hope that a better choice will present itself? Maybe person
8. Do you find yourself as a negative person who complains about most situations you are in? No person
9. Do you say yes or agree in many situations despite disagreeing to avoid confrontation with others? Yes person
10. Do you exaggerate having knowledge and facts about a certain topic? Think they know it all
11. Do you often find yourself having random outburst of ranting about things that were not a part of the present circumstances? Grenade person

Слайд 8Results

Слайд 9Any Questions?

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