UX for Non-Designers презентация

Christina Wodtke @cwodtke | linkedin.com/in/christinawodtke | cwodtke.com

Слайд 1Bus40
UX for Non-Designers

Слайд 2Christina Wodtke
@cwodtke | linkedin.com/in/christinawodtke | cwodtke.com

Слайд 3
Don Norman
"User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with

the company, its services, and its products.

Слайд 4

I love amazon. It is a clear yet rich shopping experience.

It gives me what I need to make a decision. But it’s more than a website…

Слайд 5

Amazon understands me. It shows me things I didn’t even realize

were available that I love. Lynda Carter FTW!

Слайд 6Let’s be honest: it’s all about the smiling boxes.
And who doesn’t

like to come home to smiling boxes?

Слайд 7Are you stuck? A human is waiting to unstick you!

Слайд 8
Don Norman
The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to

meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother.

Слайд 9Amazon understands I always run out of razors!
Amazon understands I have

no clue how often to buy them!

Слайд 10
Don Norman
Next comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are

a joy to own, a joy to use.
True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features.

Слайд 11

The doodle not only has no utility on google, it breaks

the rule of branding: never touch the mark! Let it warms and makes human the search giant. That matters.

Слайд 12You can argue that Amazon should kill joke reviews, because they

mess up the algorithms. But they also warm up what could be a cold space.

Слайд 15
Don Norman
In order to achieve high-quality user experience in a company's

offerings there must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design.

Слайд 16What is user experience?
The mini cooper convertible has my favorite car

experience. The way it handles, accelerates as well as the beautiful interior, the innovative half-open position of the roof!.

Слайд 17But the experience doesn’t stop at the car. There are stickers,

swag, driving adventures, dedicated AAA support for the life of the car and music services! What does it mean to enjoy driving a car, they asked… then answered.

Слайд 18HEADER
What is it? Why do you love it? What’s

your favorite part?


Слайд 19HEADER
What is it? Why do you hate it? What’s

the worst part?


Слайд 20HEADER
Teams, 20 minutes, sketch answers

Слайд 21Universal Principles
Direct Manipulation


It is easier and more pleasant to have a 1:1

relationship with the thing manipulate and the manipulator – this is why toddlers can use ipads.

Слайд 23Affordances
Things that look pushable, get pushed. Things that look pullable, get


Слайд 24Affordances

The Ipad keyboard is harder to use than a regular one

because there are no physical affordances and we don’t’ type looking usually. Flat design is often disliked because it’s hard to know what is pushable.

Слайд 25Feedback
On twitter, when you post you get feedback so you know

your tweet went out.

Слайд 26Feedback
On Facebook, they show the link preview as soon as you

add it, so you know all is working (and can preview)

Слайд 27Feedback
Your new status is always posted on top, to let you

know it was successfully posted (even if a new status came in a second after, and is thus newer)

Слайд 28Inline feedback vs validation: Luke Wrobowski http://alistapart.com/article/inline-validation-in-web-forms

Слайд 29Feedback Matters
Inline feedback gave:
a 22% increase in success rates,
a 22%

decrease in errors made,
a 31% increase in satisfaction rating,
a 42% decrease in completion times, and
a 47% decrease in the number of eye fixations.

“You’d rather know about your mistakes as you go along.”

“It’s much better than getting all the way down and hitting ‘submit,’ only to find out that it doesn’t like your username. It’s much better when it tells you as you go along.”

Inline Validation in Web Forms
by LUKE WROBLEWSKI September 01, 2009

Слайд 30The Poka-Yoke Principle
 Poka-Yoke roughly translates in English to mistake proofing: avoiding

(yokeru) inadvertent errors (poka). Designers use Poka-Yoke when they put constraints on products to prevent errors, forcing users to adjust their behavior and correctly execute an operation.

Слайд 31Errors
Allow fixes
Avoid learned Dismissal

Слайд 32"Obey standards unless there is a truly superior alternative"
- Alan



Слайд 33Law of the Conservation of Complexity
states that some complexity is inherent

in every process. There is a point beyond which you can’t simplify the process any further; you can only move the inherent complexity from one place to another.
Larry Tessler

Слайд 34The Magical Number Seven +\- 1
Is a myth

Слайд 35Contextual Principles
What you know about the context/users/activity. E.g.
Recipes must be

User should know where they are in a recipe
Recipes allow users to find ingredients for shopping and mise en place by listing them apart from instructions
You make them up

Слайд 36Tivo Tennants
It’s entertainment, stupid.
It’s TV, stupid.
It’s video, dammit.
Everything is smooth and

No modality or deep hierarchy.
Respect the viewer’s privacy.
It’s a robust appliance, like a TV.

Слайд 37jesse james garrett
User Experience Design:
the design of anything
independent of medium
or across

with human experience as an explicit outcome
and human engagement as an explicit goal

-Jsse James Garrett

Слайд 38
jesse james garrett
-Jesse James Garrett

Too big?

Слайд 40
dan saffer

Слайд 42http://www.eleganthack.com/a-simple-model-for-user-experience-design/

Слайд 43User Experience Design is big. You will suck if you try

to do it all.
Not trying=failing
Find your love. Follow it.



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