The ROI of Learning презентация

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Welcome + Introduction April 22, 2015 Brian Smith Director of Enterprise Marketing

Слайд 2Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Welcome + Introduction April 22, 2015
Brian Smith

of Enterprise Marketing

Слайд 3A Robust Online Training Library
Content in Business
Leadership, Management, Productivity, Software,

Communication, Career Development, and more.
3,400+ courses
Avg. 20 courses released per week
10,000+ hours of learning
Avg. 5 hours released per day
138,000+ videos
Avg. 750 released per week

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 4Britt Andreatta
Leadership consultant since 1989
PhD in Education, Leadership + Organizations
Professor and

Dean at UC Santa Barbara and Antioch University, teaching leadership and success skills Member > Author > Director of Learning + Development
Please view my seven courses on

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 5Agenda
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning

ROI Method and Process

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 6Sources
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 7Agenda
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning

ROI Method and Process

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 8History
Peter Drucker
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”


the ROI of Learning

Слайд 9Donald Kirkpatrick
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Four levels of evaluation

Слайд 10Donald Kirkpatrick
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 11Jack Phillips
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

The Father of ROI

Слайд 12ROI

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Did the learners like the program?

Did the

learners learn the content?

Did the learners deploy the learning on the job?

Did the learning impact business results?

Did the learning investment payoff?

Jack Phillips

Слайд 13The Math
Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR)
Return on Investment (ROI)
Time to payback
Works with any

currency $ ¥ ₹ €, etc.

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 14Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR)
Program Benefits
Program Costs
Economic indicator of accountability for results.

benefit (return) of an investment is compared to the cost; expressed as a ratio.

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning


Слайд 15BCR Example
It cost $20,000 to implement new learning program.
The learning resulted

in $35,000 savings.


= 1.75


Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

For every $1 spent, you received $1.75 in total benefit.

Слайд 16Return on Investment (ROI)
(Program Benefit Minus Program Costs)
Program Costs

indicator of accountability for results.
The benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost; expressed as percentage.

X 100

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning


Слайд 17ROI Example
It cost ¥20,000 to implement new learning program.
The learning

resulted in ¥35,000 savings.

X 100

= .75


Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

For every ¥1 spent, you received ¥.75 in net benefit.

Слайд 18Time to Payoff
Payback =
Program Costs
Program Benefits
Economic indicator of accountability for

Estimated time in which a program will break even (time after that is added benefit); expressed in time.

X time unit

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning


Слайд 19Payoff Example
Payback =
It cost ₹20,000 to implement new learning program.
The learning

resulted in ₹35,000 savings.

= .57

6.84 months

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

The program would pay for itself in 6.84 months.

x 12 = 6.84

Слайд 20Overwhelmed?
You only need to build a compelling case for your context.


the ROI of Learning

Слайд 21Agenda
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning

ROI Method and Process

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 22Reality Check
Is HR/L+D seen as a trusted and valued business partner?

you have an established record of success?
Are you empowered to take intelligent risks and make decisions?
Are you justifying an upcoming purchase or evaluating one you have already implemented?

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 23Plenty of Options

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 24Hard Data
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 25Plenty of Options

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning


Слайд 26Soft Data
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 27
Case Study
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

“ access means there is a

constant learning resource for employees. Sometimes it only takes two minutes to improve their knowledge, rather than a full day in a classroom to achieve the same outcome.”

Complements live training
Lets employees quickly find answers to questions
Provides detailed reports that inform future training initiatives

Denstu Aegis Network helps clients build relationships with consumers through content creation, digital creative execution, market analysis, and much more.
23,000 employees in 110 countries on 5 continents

Слайд 28
Case Study
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

“I honestly think this hands-on learning

is the best way to learn software. I’m glad UCLA provides to all students. I think the more software we know, the more it prepares us for the job market once we graduate.”

Supports students in any major
Provides tools training outside of class
Encourages staff and faculty professional development

Founded in 1919, UCLA offers 125 undergraduate and graduate degrees in business, engineering, medicine and more.
35,000 students + 31,000 full- and part-time faculty and administrative staff.

Слайд 29
Case Study
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

“If we’re struggling to learn something,

or if we’re frustrated trying to get something to work, someone will see if a course exists. With such a large amount of content at an affordable price, was by far our best bet.”

Provides convenient on-demand solution
Offers cost-effective and current training
Teaches wide range of software, creative, and business skills
Helps employees learn at their own level and pace

Established in 1970, the EPA enforces federal health and environmental laws so that all Americans are safe where they live, learn and work.
17,000 employees located in 10 regional offices across US

Слайд 30Agenda
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning

ROI Method and Process

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 31Business Cents > Business Sense
What problem are you solving?
How can progress

be measured?
Who are the stakeholders?
Who has what expectations?

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 32ROI vs. ROE
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 33Measuring Success
Identify metrics that matter
Use data you can get
Increasing vs. Decreasing

vs. Results
Learning vs. Performance

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 34Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 35Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 36Increasing X vs. Decreasing Y
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

From A
To B

by when


From A


To B
by when

Increase productivity or decrease inefficiency?
Increase retention or decrease attrition?
Increase revenue or decrease waste?

Слайд 37Activity vs. Results
Lead and Lag Measures

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 38Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Lead vs. Lag Measures

Lead Measure

Lag Measure

measures goal

of goal + influenceable

lose weight/size

diet + exercise

doing this…

gets that


Слайд 39Demonstrating the ROI of Learning


Lag Measure

reduce equipment failure
reduce safety incidents
increase accuracy/efficiency


increase retention of talent

Lead Measure

routine maintenance

compliance with safety regs

time spent practicing

touchpoints with clients

coaching provided

Слайд 40Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Implement Manager Training

Lag Measure

Increase retention of talent

complaints to HR

Lead Measure

Regular one-on-ones

Provide coaching

Give autonomy

Support growth

Build cohesive teams

Слайд 41Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 42Learning + Performance Outcome
Demonstrating the

ROI of Learning

Слайд 43Agenda
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning

ROI Method and Process

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 44
Training + Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Not to scale!

Слайд 45Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 46Benefits of Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Active participation
Authentic motivation
Ongoing improvement
Employee engagement

of talent

Слайд 47Motivation
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Autonomy opportunities to be self directed
Mastery opportunities

to learn and grow

Purpose contribute to something meaningful

Слайд 48Continued Improvement

Growth mindset
Dr. Carol Dweck

Слайд 49Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 50Engagement
How much people are emotionally connected and committed to their organizations,

and their willingness to go above and beyond the expectations of their jobs.

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 51Measuring Engagement
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
I am proud to work for

this company.
This company motivates me to go beyond what I would in a similar role elsewhere.
I see myself still working here in 3 years.
I would recommend this company as a great place to work.
I rarely think about looking for a job at another organization.

Слайд 53In the US Around the World
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 54Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 55The Power of Engagement
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
A disengaged employee costs

an organization approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary (Gallup).
Engaged employees are 127% more likely to be A performers than C performers (McLean & Company).
Highly engaged organizations have the potential to decrease employee turnover by 87% (Human Capital Institute).

Слайд 56Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
From “Making the Case for Employee Engagement”

Слайд 57
L+D is a key driver of employee engagement

Demonstrating the ROI of


Слайд 58The Role of L+D
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Have data that show

how L+D is directly related to:
increases in overall employee engagement
increases in employee identification with organization’s values
increase in positive organization culture

Слайд 59Retaining Top Talent
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Cost to replace an employee

is 50% to 250% of annual salary+benefits!
SHRM’s “Cost of Turnover” Worksheet
Lost productivity (position + others)
Recruiting > hiring > training
Time to previous employee’s performance

Слайд 60ROI Calculator
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 61How to Maximize the Benefits of Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 62Cultivate Potential
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Having the capacity to become

or develop into something in the future. Unrealized ability.

Performance =

Potential + Support

Слайд 63Put Learners First
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

What is their context?
What would

make their work life immediately better or easier?
Design to solve their problems and maximize their potential.

Слайд 64Be a Learning Guide
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

They will help you show


Слайд 65Agenda
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning

ROI Method and Process

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 66ROI Methodology
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Five Levels of Evaluation
V Model for

Business Alignment
Process Model to Analyze Impact
Data Collection

Слайд 67Jack Phillips

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Did the learners like the program?


the learners learn the content?

Did the learners deploy the learning on the job?

Did the learning impact business results?

Did the learning investment payoff?

Слайд 68Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

V Model

Слайд 69The ROI Process Methodology
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 70Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 71Data Options
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Hard/soft data
Focus groups
Performance Records

Слайд 72Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 73Isolating Effect of Program
Pre-test, post-test
Control group
Trend analysis
Use of expert studies/data
Estimation of

impact by:

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 74Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Learn More About ROI

Слайд 75Learn More About Learning at
Instructional Design Essentials series:
The Neuroscience of

Learning with Britt Andreatta
Flipping the Classroom with Aaron Quigley
Models of Instructional Design with Shea Hanson
Needs Analysis with Jeff Toister
Running a Profitable Business with Jim Stice
Finance Fundamentals with Jim and Kay Stice

Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 76Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 77Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Слайд 78Questions + Answers
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

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