The Google Story презентация

Presented By : Eshant Sharma PGCM-4

Слайд 2Presented By :

Eshant Sharma

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Computer Science Department at Stanford University

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Created the search engine from off the shelf computers
Some computer components

they borrowed from the university

Maxed out their credit card limits

Слайд 5

Larry came up with the idea of buying the individual disk

without the cases

Because of this they got more storage from the same amount of money

Слайд 6

Google opened its headquarters
“In a Garage”
Rented a house and were running

the company by working in bedrooms & garage

Слайд 7

Moved to a regular office location in Palo Alto
To increase efficiency

they had their own kitchen which was much cost effective

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No pop ups

Слайд 9

Something happened in

October 2000 ?

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Google was flooded with Ad money

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Eric Schmidt

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Google had large amount of revenues in profits
Google IPO received more

publicity than any other IPO in history

Слайд 14

In 2004 internet users in China surpassed the entire population of


Block some sites from its search results

Слайд 15

Google handles 20 Peta Bytes of data everyday
130 Billion photographs
5 Billion


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Google believes that the data is going to create incredible benefits

for the society

Google believes that it will find new ways to use data to make our life easier

Слайд 17THANK

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