6 Secrets of Women Who Get Promoted презентация

Слайд 16
Secrets of Women Who Get Promoted
Image courtesy of Sumethko / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Слайд 2By Jo Miller, CEO, Women’s Leadership Coaching, Inc.

Sign up for Jo‘s

newsletter at www.womensleadershipcoaching.com

Слайд 3Are you capable of more than the job you are doing


Here are 6 things you need to know about getting a promotion.

Слайд 4
Who gets promoted?

Слайд 5}
“Reinvent Opportunity: Looking Through a New Lens,” Accenture, 2011.
Of those that

asked, 65% said it helped.

37% had asked for a raise, promotion or job change.

Accenture surveyed 3,400 executives in 2011.

Слайд 6When people asked for a promotion…
10% of the time, nothing happened.

of those who asked for a promotion got new responsibilities instead.
10% got a new role, but not the one they asked for, and not a promotion.
42% got the role they asked for.
17% got a new role that was better than they hoped for.

59% of people who asked for a promotion got one!
- CBS News MoneyWatch, March 9, 2011

Слайд 7}
“Today’s Professional Woman,” LinkedIn, 2013.
75% of those who asked got one.

surveyed 954 professional women in 2013.

Слайд 8What’s the simplest way to get a promotion?

Ask for one.

Слайд 9
Don’t underestimate your readiness
So, you’d like a promotion. On a scale

of 1 to 10, how capable are you of performing that job today?

Слайд 10Women will apply to a job when they believe they meet


the job requirements.

Men will apply if they think they meet just

of the requirements.

An internal study at HP found:



Слайд 11
If you are 60% ready for the next job — go for


Слайд 12
Timing is everything

Слайд 13—Donnell Green Global Head of Talent Management and Development, BlackRock.
The right conversation

can be held at the wrong time (for example, when your boss is in bad mood or the person you're talking to is the wrong person.)

It doesn't matter how good your request is if you do it at the wrong time. Timing is everything.

Слайд 14Timing is everything
Consider the corporate culture where you work.

When is the

wrong time to ask for a promotion?
When is the right time to ask?

Слайд 15
Make your request

Soon after she was promoted to senior manager, a

woman approached her HR business partner, thanked her for the promotion, and said:

Слайд 16“I am interested in becoming a Principal.

What are the

Слайд 17The HR person replied “It takes two years”. The woman said

thank-you and returned to her desk.

But later that day she thought “Hey, wait a minute!” and returned to speak to the HR partner again.

Слайд 18“What would you need me to achieve in two years?”
She met

the requirements in one year and got her promotion.

Слайд 19Once you know the requirements and have met them by 60%

or more, it’s time for the next step…

Слайд 20Make your request
I understand the role requires a, b, c.
I believe

I am the ideal candidate for this role because x, y, z.
(check for their agreement)
What are the next steps to move forward?
(If you sense their hesitation) Is there any additional information you need, in order to consider me as the ideal person for the position?

Слайд 21
Be judged by your potential not your experience
“Several diversity officers and

experts told us that despite their best efforts, women are often evaluated for promotions primarily on performance, while men are often promoted on potential.”
Unlocking the full potential of women in the US economy, McKinsey, 2011

Слайд 22There are, however, some ways to overcome this bias.

Слайд 23
Be prepared to manage former peers
In my conversations with women who

have been promoted, managing former peers is frequently cited as the toughest challenge. In conversations with leaders and review of literature on the topic, I found three top suggestions:

Слайд 25—Senior Vice President, Retail Industry.

“Think about this before you are promoted,

because what you do today will impact your career in the future. Establish your character and integrity at the beginning of your career and remain consistent, and people will be able to picture you in that next role.”

Слайд 266 Secrets of Women Who Get Promoted

Слайд 27Jo Miller, CEO
Women’s Leadership Coaching, Inc.

Follow @womensleadershp on Twitter
Subscribe to

Jo’s newsletter at www.womensleadershipcoaching.com

Слайд 28Jo Miller, CEO
Women’s Leadership Coaching, Inc.
Specializes in helping women break into

leadership in industries that have been traditionally considered 'a man's world', such as technology, finance and energy.
Delivers over 60 speaking presentations annually to audiences of up to 1,200 women for women’s conferences and corporate women’s initiatives.

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