Презентации по Английскому языку


My hat, it has three corners, Three corners has my hat And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat. Песенка про шляпу Колпак мой треугольный, Треугольный мой колпак! А если бы он не был треугольным,

present simple
present simple

Действие происходит регулярно, постоянно every day often usually always глаголы read books clean teeth wash hands go to school play with friends do homework walk with the dog have breakfast

master-klass prezentatsiya
master-klass prezentatsiya

Проект - это возможность учащихся выразить свои собственные идеи в удобной для них творчески продуманной форме: изготовление коллажей, плакатов, объявлений, исследования с последующим оформлением Этапы для работы с проектом 1 этап. Определение темы, уточнение целей. 2

презентация к уроку
презентация к уроку

ЦЕЛИ УРОКА learn some new words do some exercises read three dialogues Yes, he/she is No, he/she isn´t


Have you ever..................? build a house do your friend’s homework come to school late burn a cake go to London be in America see an elephant meet a famous person buy a puppy have breakfast in the evening read

fizkultminutki valeopauzy
fizkultminutki valeopauzy

Для улучшения мозгового кровообращения повороты головы. Для плечевого пояса.

the means of travelling
the means of travelling

bus car tram trolley - bus taxi metro rocket train plane helicopter

christmas train
christmas train

Christmas Stations Station 4 8-30 Station 2 8-10 Station 1 8-00 Station 7 8-55 Station 8 9-00 Station 6 8-45 Station 3 8-20 Station 5 8-40 Snowflakes

kharakter cheloveka
kharakter cheloveka

Фонетическая зарядка [meri] [nais] [breiv] [kaind ] [fæt]

my toy shop otdelnye rasskazy
my toy shop otdelnye rasskazy

Wow! It is a car. It is black and red. It is small. Oh! It is a kitten. It is grey and purple. It is big.


HOLIDAYS Christmas Birthday New Year Mother’s Day St Valentine’s Day What are thеsе? Complete the crossword 1 2 3 4 10 5 6

where do you live
where do you live

Hello! I am a … . I live in the … . Hello! I am a … . I live in the … .

razgaday krossvord
razgaday krossvord

Составь предложения из слов. Sister, my, play, can, tennis, well. My sister can play tennis well. Составь предложения из слов. Do, you, to sledge, want? Do you want to sledge?

the present continuous and the present simple tense
the present continuous and the present simple tense

The Present Continuous and the Present Simple Tense Большинство глаголов употребляются и в Present Continuous, и в Present Simple. Listen! She is playing the piano. She plays the piano very well. Некоторые глаголы употребляются только в форме Present

no2 prezentatsiya prezentaciya rozhdestvo moya
no2 prezentatsiya prezentaciya rozhdestvo moya

Connect the dots alphabetically A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . Connect

what animal is it
what animal is it

It’s grey. It’s got a big body, big ears and a long nose. It lives in Africa. It’s green. Its body is long. It’s got small eyes and short legs. It can swim. It lives


Today is ….. It is ….. The weather is….. I love the spring. For every day There’s something new That’s come to stay. Another bud, Another bird, Another flower That comes from the earth.

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