Workplace Spirituality: An Issue for Learning and Quality of Work Life презентация

Why this Topic? 95% of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit (Gallup poll) Spirituality - 2nd most important factor in personal satisfaction (USA Weekend poll) Spirited workplaces

Слайд 1Workplace Spirituality: An Issue for Learning and Quality of Work Life

Kim Nimon Van VanBebber
Jeff Allen

University of North Texas

Слайд 2Why this Topic?
95% of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit

(Gallup poll)
Spirituality - 2nd most important factor in personal satisfaction (USA Weekend poll)
Spirited workplaces outperform spiritually weak companies (Harvard Business School)

Слайд 3Historical Review
Spirituality is central to almost every human culture from ancient

to modern
Industrial revolution stripped away much of what makes us human
Human relations era recognized the cognitive contributions of a worker
Spiritual element is an emerging field that offers great promise in human performance

Слайд 4A Living Example
Note the various elements of the human person

Able to make and use tools to build and create
Cognitive Able to think, solve problems and find improved ways to build and create
Spiritual Able to connect with others with a desire to build and create something better

Слайд 5What is it?
Deeply held values that guide life and work practices

(Butts, 1999)

Слайд 6What is it?
Recognition that employees have an inner life that nourishes

and is nourished by meaningful work that take place in the context of community (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000)

Слайд 7What is it?
Framework of organizational values evidenced in the culture that

promotes employee’s experience of transcendence through the work process, facilitating their sense of being connected to others in way that provides feelings of completeness and joy (Giacalone & Jurkiewicz, 2003)

Слайд 8Common Themes
Transcendence - belonging to something larger than oneself
Holism -

harmony, balance , and connectedness
Growth - self development, self actualization

Слайд 9Cases and Examples

Слайд 10Challenges
Spirituality is an individual trait
Potential for exploitation rather than growth
Recognizing spirituality

is part of a system
Can spirituality and religion be kept separate?

Слайд 11Conclusion
Spiritual intervention is not a matter of introducing spirituality to the

work place – it is already there.
Rather, it is a matter of recognizing and nurturing the human spirit for the mutual benefit of the individual, the work group, and the organization.

Слайд 12Workplace Spirituality: An Issue for Learning and Quality of Work Life


Jeff Allen

University of North Texas

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