Tips for Facilitating Discussions презентация

Слайд 1Tips for Facilitating Discussions

Слайд 2Tips
Paraphrase. Paraphrase.
“So, what you’re saying is that we need to…”

Слайд 3Tips
Check for meaning
“Are you saying that….”

Слайд 4Tips
Give positive feedback. Compliment
“That’s a good point.”
“I never thought of that

“Thanks for bringing that to our attention.”

Слайд 5Tips
Expand and elaborate
“Your comments provide an interesting point. Let’s take this

idea a bit further.”

Слайд 6Tips
Increase the pace. Energize
“Here’s a challenge for you. For the next

two minutes, see how many ways you can think of to…”

Слайд 7Tips
Devil’s advocate. Disagree
“I can see where you are coming from, but

I’m not sure that what you are describing is always the case.”
“Has anyone else had an experience that is different from Jamal’s?”

Слайд 8Tips
Relieve Tension. Mediate
“I think that Lynda and Ron are not really

disagreeing with each other, but are just bringing out two different sides of this issue.”

Слайд 9Tips
Consolidate. Pull together
“As you can see from Mohammed’s and Kathy’s comments…”

else can add to what Joyce, Fran and Tim have already commented on?”

Слайд 10Tips
Change the process
“Let’s break into small groups and see if you

can come up with….”

Слайд 11Tips
Summarize. Summarize.
“I have listed four major points that have come from

our discussion.”

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