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Quick Look @ iOS 9 Features

Слайд 1 Taking things up a notch with

Слайд 2 Quick Look @ iOS 9 Features

Слайд 3 The all new & improved SIRI

Picture Credit: http://www.trustedreviews.com/opinions/ios-9-features
Apple claims that the

new version, apart from having a sleek new UI, is 40% faster and more accurate

Слайд 4Proactive Assistance
Picture Credit: http://www.apple.com/in/ios/whats-new/
Suggested apps are triggered by your routines

and what you’re most likely to use. For example, if you always check how your stock is doing in the morning, your Stocks app shows up in the search screen at the time you normally wake up.

Слайд 5Unknown Caller Suggestion
Picture Credit: http://www.businessinsider.in/
It’s ability to suggest callers you don’t

have in your contacts is a small but highly useful feature of iOS 9.

Apple, now will do some digging in your emails and messages to try and identify the caller.

Слайд 6Apple Pay Passbook as well is now Wallet
Picture Credit:
Now, with wallet

you can store all of you credit, debit and loyalty cards, apart from your boarding passes as well as concert and sports tickets.

Square is soon launching a new reader to allow small businesses to accept Apple Pay.

Pinterest as well is set to launch buyable pins only under iOS.

London Transport Commuters will also be able to pay using Apple Pay.

Слайд 7Power Packed Search
Now, searching for sports scores, video in VEVO and

content in iTunes is much easier with the advanced search API. Rather, finding content from third party apps installed on your iPhone or iPad is a lot more convenient as well.

Picture Credit:

Слайд 8Noteworthy Notes App
Picture Credit: http://www.apple.com/in/ios/whats-new/
Want an easy way to make a

checklist of to-dos? Or add a photo, map or web link to a note? Consider it done with the new iOS 9 Update.

Now, you can add notes from whatever apps you are using, thanks to iCloud.

You can also sketch your thoughts in your note page using your finger.

Access your jotted points from whatever device you want as Notes now works with iCloud.

Слайд 9Apple Maps now on Public Transit
Picture Credit:
Like Google Maps, Apple Maps

will finally now show you a Transit mode that provides mapping for train stations giving you multi-routing and step by step directions.

But what makes Apple’s tech a little different is that it will survey entrance and exits of stations to give you the exact distance from your current location.

Слайд 10Low Power Mode
Picture Credit:
iOS 9 promises a new setting that can

add up to three hours of battery to your iPhone from a single charge. A must for all iPhone users.

Слайд 11Move to iOS from Android
Picture Credit:
Now, moving from Android to iOS

is cake walk as the ‘Move to iOS’ app will securely transfers your contacts, message history, camera photos and videos, web bookmarks, mail accounts and calendars, etc.

It will help you rebuild your app library too. Any free apps you used — like Facebook and Twitter — are suggested for download from the App Store.

And your paid apps are added to your iTunes Wish List.

Слайд 12iOS 9 Updates: For the iPad only
Picture Credit:
QuickType Keyboard

The QuickType keyboard

will do a lot more now with this significant update.
First, the suggestion bar now has shortcuts to copy and paste, add formatting and add attachments.

Also, you can now use a two-finger gesture across the keyboard to select content in an article or document that will make editing content on an iPad much easier.

Слайд 13iOS 9 Updates: For the iPad only
Picture Credit:
iPad Multitasking
A new task

switcher has been introduced in iOS 9 which can be accessed by double-tapping on the home screen. Once you've selected an app, the new SlideOver feature will let you add another app to the iPad screen. So, now you can read your emails and browse the web at the same time.

Слайд 14We are techugo
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