Second Shower of Rain презентация

Growth of the Bhakti Creeper

Слайд 1Second Shower of Rain

Слайд 2Growth of the Bhakti Creeper

Слайд 3Sadhana Bhakti

Klesa-ghni: destruction of suffering and causes of suffering
Subha-da: appearance of

good qualities

Слайд 4Five Causes of Suffering
Avidya or ignorance: to mistake that which

is impermanent to be permanent, to mistake that which is full of misery to be blissful and to mistake what is not the self to be the self

Asmita or false ego: identify with the body

Raga: attachment to material happiness and methods that will provide it

Слайд 5
Dvesa or hatred: the aversion to unhappiness or the causes of


Abhinivesa: an instinctive clinging to life and a fear of death.

Слайд 6
The Five Klesas lead to actions which produce suffering in 4



Слайд 7Subha da
Subha means spiritual qualities.
disinterest in material affairs
interest in the

Supreme Lord
respect, truth, simplicity, equanimity, fortitude, gravity, humility etc.

Слайд 8First Stages in Bhakti
Sraddha: Faith
Sadhu sanga: Association
Anistita Bhajana Kriya:

Unsteady Practice

Слайд 9Faith
Sraddha is firm trust in the import of the bhakti scriptures.

is genuine desire to undertake the activities described in those scriptures.
Either of these types of faith may arise naturally or suddenly by external factors.

Слайд 10Sadhu sanga

Taking shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master,

the faithful beginner in bhakti inquires from him about proper conduct.
By following his guru's instructions
that person associates in friendship with devotees of his own status
finds shelter in the association of more realized devotees.

Слайд 11Bhajana kriya: Practice
Two Varieties:
unsteady (anisthita)
and steady (nisthita).

Слайд 12Anisthita Symptoms
false confidence (utsaha mayi)
sporadic endeavour (ghana tarala)
indecision (vyudha vikalpa)

struggle with maya (visaya sangara)
inability to uphold vows (niyama aksama)
enjoying the waves (taranga rangini)

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