Samsung Gear Fit Review презентация

Слайд 1 Samsung Gear Fit Review
The Samsung Gear Fit is not just a

fitness tracker, or a smartwatch it's both. combines smartwatch features, such as call and alarm notifications, with the functions of a more traditional fitness tracker, such as the ability to track daily steps and calories burned. It even includes a heart rate monitor that works when you're at rest or exercising. But is this hybrid better than a normal tracker?

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Samsung Gear Fit

Слайд 4Samsung Gear Fit : First Look

Слайд 6The Samsung Gear Fit is unlike any other fitness band in

the market. The 1.8-inch curved Super AMOLED display looks incredibly sexy and functions well too.

Слайд 7Samsung Gear Fit
The display is quite simply gorgeous and besides the

standard assortment of wallpapers, you can even upload your own through the phone. The screen is very legible in sunlight as well.

Слайд 8Beautiful Looks On Hand

Слайд 9Sexy Looks Forever On Hand

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