Project "What would you like to invent?" презентация

Aim: to invent an invention that we like.  Tasks: 1) draw a picture of the invention.  2)make up a name for our invention.  3) write

Слайд 1Project "What would you like to invent?"
Varin Ilya
Spiridonov Nadezhda
Kulikov Dmitriy

Слайд 2 Aim: to invent an invention that we like. 

1) draw a picture of the invention.  2)make up a name for our invention.  3) write instructions for the invention. Write for what it is people. 

Слайд 3Magic wand "Freedom of desire "
Thin straight stick or rod which

is made of wood.
Inside the magic wand magic substances .
Spoken aloud or silently spell accompanied by certain movements of the magic wand gives the desired result.

Слайд 5Instructions for Use
1) Use in the presence of other people is

prohibited 2) It can be used for self-defense 3) Do not disassemble magic wand 4)Use strictly by the book of spells

Слайд 6 Magic Wand will people of great help. With it,

people can very quickly and easily do many things . It will fulfill all desires. Magic Wand will help people to do good deeds .

Слайд 7Thank you for attention

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