Lavoriskes презентация

Lavoriškės is located 24 km from Vilnius. This is a small village in the east of Lithuania. Total area of Lavoriškių elderate- 12 285 ha Farmland contains 54,5% of whole


Слайд 2Lavoriškės is located 24 km from Vilnius. This is a small

village in the east of Lithuania.
Total area of Lavoriškių elderate- 12 285 ha
Farmland contains 54,5% of whole village.
Other big half of region are forests - 44,5%
Water - 0,8%

Слайд 3History
In 1523 local people founded iron mines.
In XVII century Lavoriškės got

city status due to high population.
In 1644 church was build.
In 1655 Lavoriškės burned down to the ground.
Since 1959 Lavoriškės became a village.

Слайд 4People in Lavoriškės
Population – 621
Lithuanians 3,7%;
Polish 82,7%;
Russians 2,3%

Local people are active,

they organize different celebrations, for instanse Midsummer Day, Kaziukas fair, Shrovetide and many other celebrations.

Слайд 5Education
Lavoriskių gimnasium of Stefan Batoras (Polish language) – number of students

180. The oldest education place.

Lavoriškių gimnasium (Lithuanian language) – number of students 100. School was build in 1998.

In 2014 years we have guest President of Lithuanian Dalia Grybauskaitė.

Слайд 6Religion
Catholic church of John the Babtist designed in neo – gothic

style and was built in 1906. Prayers are held in polish language. Inside was the 3 naves (wtf ?). Churchyard fence is stones masonry.

Слайд 7Lavoriškės – Belarus
Village is borderline point, due to near border with

Belarus (7 km). Custumer house was build in 2007. Constantly local people are facing with some unncommon problems: heavy traffic and to always have a personal ID card.

Слайд 8Video 5:05 6:53

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