main title of the infographic. It can be the title of the blueprint, but doesn’t have to be. Ensure the project title is unique enough to identify the specific blueprint.
Today’s business environment is flatter and more agile than ever before. True power no longer resides in position, but in the ability to influence others.
Insert the tagline of your Blueprint project or create a custom tagline for the infographic. This should be slightly longer then the Project Title, but no longer than 20 words.
• While leadership training has been the #1 priority of organizations for three years running (McLean & Company’s HR Trends and Priorities for 2014), many organizations struggle to get adequate funding for training initiatives. Consequently, underdeveloped influence skills are common, despite the costs that result from difficulty getting buy-in for ideas or initiatives, project stalls and/or abandonment, lower employee engagement, and low scores on leader performance assessments, such as 360 degree feedback and formal performance appraisals.
• In order to become effective influencers, leaders must be trained on the power of influence, types of influence, when and how to use influence to create positive outcomes, and how to plan for effective influence sessions.
• Thorough training on influence will enable managers to realize greater work group efficiency and effectiveness, as well as easily translate projects into impressive business outcomes.
This statement is used to identify the target audience and the challenge they are trying to overcome Specifically identify the member/role.
Should be adapted from our initial member understanding document. Max length at the analyst’s discretion.
Influence, not position, is the root of power in the 21st century.
• Positional power is not the panacea it was in the days of traditional, hierarchical organizations. Today’s flatter, agile, global structure requires leadership that motivates others to act.
• Influence training gives leaders the power to:
o Negotiate for resources
o Motivate for high performance
o Gain traction for initiatives, projects, and change
o Garner buy-in and agreement
o Coach and mentor to high performance
o Create a team vision This overall insight is the central idea of the Blueprint. The overall insight should also drive the overall creative vision of the document. A well-crafted insight statement is key here. Try to make this statement short and sweet.
Selecting the appropriate tactic is key to influence success.
• There are six core influence tactics. Using the correct approach for your audience and situation is fundamental to successfully affecting others’ thinking, decisions, and behavior.
Influence is far easier when you have taken the time to develop positive relationships with your organizational stakeholders.
• Taking the time to interact with your direct reports, peers, and supervisors creates strong stakeholder relationships - a solid foundation for influence.
This solid foundation makes other influence tactics more effective, if not entirely unnecessary.
Use McLean & Company’s tactics to effectively influence organizational stakeholders:
1. Relationship-based
2. Logical persuasion
3. Interest-based
4. Empowerment
5. Common vision
6. Impact-focused
Include insights relating schools of thoughts, drivers/trends/change, value creation, etc. Be sure to include data points, complications, unique approaches, etc. that enhance or support the overall insight.
• Make the Case
o Get off to a productive start: discuss how to gain stakeholder buy-in for leadership training, the costs and benefits of internal vs. external training, and metrics to judge training success.
• Prepare for Influence Training
o Get ready for training: discuss module selection, logistics, and content customization. Review the 360 degree feedback tool and the Influence Stakeholders training deck.
• Conduct Training on Influence
o Implementation: Train Managers to Effectively Influence Organizational Stakeholders
• Evaluate Training Effectiveness
o Training Assessment: Review training session results, as well as any suggested training modifications. A set of steps used to solve the member challenge. Our solution to the clients’ problem. These steps should align with the respective project steps and guided implementations.