Google’s Mobilegeddon is almost here! презентация

Are you ready?

Слайд 1Google’s Mobilegeddon is almost here!

Слайд 2Are you ready?

Слайд 3Google is updating their mobile search algorithm. Websites that fail to

provide a good mobile browsing experience will suffer from reduced search visibility beginning April 21!

Слайд 4“So what will happen to my site?!” – Frazzled website owner

Слайд 5If your site isn’t completely responsive by April 21 you will

lose a significant amount of mobile traffic.

Слайд 6Well, Google’s algorithm change will take responsiveness into account + bump

you down in the ranks if you’re not completely mobile friendly.

Слайд 7“Why?” – Frazzled website owner

Слайд 8Because almost half of the time people spend consuming media is

through smaller screens! [Device Usage, February 2015 – Pie chart]

Слайд 9“But I thought our site was new + updated?” – Frazzled

website owner

Слайд 10Even new sites can be affected – in fact, the most

common errors are: use of incompatible plug-ins, mobile viewpoints not set correctly, links spaced too closely together to be easily clicked, site content set wider than screen making it invisible, text set at a point size too small to read on mobile devices, and blocking access to resources used by Google’s web robots.

Слайд 11“But how do I know if I’m affected?” – Frazzled website


Слайд 12Check your site before the big day arrives!
Click here now

Слайд 13How’d you do?!

Слайд 14***FAILED!***

Слайд 15Don’t panic – YET! LGC can help identify + eliminate any

mobile-friendly issues your site may have.

Слайд 16Want to comply with Google’s new algorithm? We want to help!

We specialize in designing, optimizing, + maintaining mobile-friendly sites!

Слайд 17Call us today @ 631.694.1500! -

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