Gingerbread Man - Kolobok презентация


Слайд 1Gingerbread Man - Kolobok
These resources can be used for
Cross-curricular topic

work involving children’s different languages
Language classes in the community
MFL classes
See also resource sheet, Kolobok pictures, story in Russian and lesson plans (links)

Слайд 2Колобок

Слайд 3 Колобок, колобок, я тебя съем!
Не съешь, ...!
Я колобок,

по амбару метен, по сусекам скребен,
Я от бабушки ушел, я от дедушки ушел, я от ... ушел,
И от тебя уйду!
Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
Don’t eat me!
I was scraped from the flour-box, and swept from the bin
And baked in the oven, and cooled on the sill.
I ran away from Grandpa, I ran away from Grandma,
And I'll run away from you (animal's name), this minute I will!

Слайд 4Kolobok in primary school and Russian class
listen to Gingerbread Man story

in English
see Kolobok pictures and predict story
listen to Kolobok story in Russian
act out role in Russian as Kolobok or animal (primary school playground) – led by Russian-speaking child
retell story from pictures, study the written version, pick out words recognised, sound out and write (Russian class)

Слайд 5Keywords in Russian: rabbit and wolf
Russian words are also transliterated into

English lettering to help children access the sounds

Слайд 6Keywords in Russian: bear and fox

Слайд 7Keywords worksheet

Слайд 8Writing keywords in Russian school

Слайд 9Extensions in Russian school
Kolobok in Africa…introduce new animals
Dress up Kolobok…items of

clothing from story, what could Kolobok wear to protect itself in different environments?
Kolobok escapes to the Arctic..invent new story

Слайд 10Children comment on their learning at primary school

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