early childhood program models and curriculum презентация


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Early Childhood program models and curriculum
ECE-7003: Topics in Early Childhood Program


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Montessori Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

Learn by making discoveries.
Focuses on

Key Developmental Stages
Encourages Cooperative Play
Learning Is Child-Centered
Children Naturally Learn Self-Discipline
Classroom Environment Teaches Order
Teachers Facilitate the Learning Experience
System is Highly Individualized to Each Student
Curriculum Focused on Hands-On Learning (Crain, 2016).

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Waldorf: Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)

Teaches kids how to think, not

what to think and to develop themselves as well-rounded individuals with an innate curiosity and love of learning.
Equipped to rely on their own inner compasses to help steer them on their individual journeys, rather than fit into one specific niche(Shank, 2016).

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Reggio Emilia Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994)
Children are encouraged to explore investigate, and represent

their real-world findings.
Goal is to foster creative thinking and a love of learning(Santin & Torruella, 2017).
Projects provide the narrative and structure to the children’s and teachers’ learning experiences(Santin & Torruella, 2017)..
Teachers and children as partners in learning

Слайд 6Similarities: Philosophy

Слайд 7Differences: Teaching Style
Montessori: Believes that children prefer the opportunity to do “real

work” such as cooking, cleaning, caring for themselves, each other, and the environment rather than play make believe (Caine, 2016).
Waldorf: Early learning focuses on make-believe, fairies, arts and music. Play is viewed as the work of the young child and the magic of fantasy is an integral part of how the teacher works with the child (Shank, 2016).
Reggio Emilia: The young child’s imagination is celebrated (Santin & Torruella, 2017).

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Differences: Learning Activities

Montessori: Academics are introduced when the child shows readiness.(Barbieru, 2016;

Pickering, 2017).
Waldorf: Academics are introduced later. (Martzog, Kuttner & Pollak, 2016).
Reggio Emilia: The teachers follow the interests of the children(Gardner & Jones, 2016).

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Differences: Materials

Materials with Purpose:
Montessori: Montessori materials are scientific didactical materials that serve a

unique developmental and academic purpose (Barbieru, 2016).
Waldorf:  Children are encouraged to use their imagination with the classroom materials (Nordlund, 2013).
Reggio Emilia: There is great emphasis on using materials and activities that provoke investigation and group learning (Gardner & Jones, 2016). 

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Community Values

Слайд 11References:
Barbieru, I. C. (2016). The role of the educator in a

montessori classroom. Romanian Journal For Multidimensional Education / Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 8(1), 107-123. 
Crain, W. (2016). CARING AND MONTESSORI EDUCATION. Montessori Life, 28(1), 44- 49
Edwards, C. P. (2002). Three approaches from europe: waldorf, montessori, and reggio emilia. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1),
Gardner, A. F., & Jones, B. D. (2016). Examining the reggio emilia approach: Keys to understanding why it motivates students. Electronic Journal Of Research In Educational Psychology, 14(3), 602-625.
Martzog, P., Kuttner, S., & Pollak, G. (2016). A comparison of waldorf and non-waldorf student-teachers’ social-emotional competencies: can arts engagement explain differences?. Journal Of Education For Teaching, 42(1), 66-79.

Слайд 12References:
Nordlund, C. (2013). Waldorf education: Breathing creativity. Art Education, 66(2), 13- 19.
Pickering, J. (2017).

Montessori for children with learning differences. Montessori Life, 29(1), 48-53.
Platz, D., & Arellano, J. (2011). Time tested early childhood theories and practices. Education, 132(1), 54-63.
Santín, M. F., & Torruella, M. F. (2017). Reggio Emilia: An essential tool to develop critical thinking in early childhood. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 6(1), 50–56. 
Shank, M. (2016). Imagination, waldorf, and critical literacies: Possibilities for transformative education in mainstream schools. Reading & Writing, Vol 7, Issues 2, Pp E1-E9 (2016), (2), e1

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