Conditions of life or social conditions and the form of government. презентация

Слайд 1 Conditions of life

or social conditions and the form of government.

Слайд 2The form of government.
Democracy is the political regime of the best

of all possible worlds. It means, that people rule the country and it is the main advantage.

Our world has parliamentary republic as a form of government. It means, that the Parliament rules the country in fact, but people elect the Parliament, so people rule the country.

Слайд 3 Social condition
First of all, there is a

good social stability in the best of all possible worlds.
Our social stability embrace such advantages as:
-There is not unemployment in our world.
-There are not homeless people and beggars in our country

Слайд 4
-Everybody can get free medical service.
-Every retired and invalid gets a


-All people are equal.
-Everybody can get free education.

Слайд 5 The state always helps people, because a man is the

most important in our world.

Слайд 6


Слайд 7Climate of the Best of All Possible worlds.

country has several different climate regions. The coldest
regions are in the north and north-east where much snow falls
in winter. The south has a more mild climate. In this country it is never very cold or very hot. It is a land of physical contrasts.
People live in four time zones. They are summer, autumn, winter and spring.

Слайд 8 December, January and February
are winter months. The weather

cold and there are many snow there.

Rivers and lakes

Слайд 9 March, April and May are spring’s month.

The weather in spring is warm. As a rule, there is no ice on the lakes and rivers in spring, and snow never lies on the ground for long. That’s why the grass quickly be- comes green and first flowers appear.

Слайд 10 June, July and August are summer month.

weather is hot. The sun shines brightly
in this season.

There is not much rain, only sometimes strong north-west wind brings showers.

Слайд 11

September, October
and November are
autumn month. The
weather is cool. The
nights become large.
There are a lot of
rain in autumn.

Слайд 12


Слайд 13Nature is beautiful in this place. It is a

of physical contrasts.
The land varies from heavy
forests to large deserts, from
high mountains to deep
If you travel across the
country you will see
forests, flat planes, fields
with green grass and
different flowers.

Слайд 14

Certainly there are rivers and lakes here.
For example, you can find

long wide clean
and small rivers.There are many big lakes
with clean water and fishes.
This place is washed by
oceans and seas. Very
often you can see sea
animals in water.

Слайд 15

There are many beaches
and people can have rest

Palms grow on beaches.

There are mountains
in this place. They
are high, they have
snow tops.

Слайд 16 Entertainments.

Слайд 17There are many entertainments in this
world. There are entertainments for young

old people. For example, a public
library. You can see many books there.

Young and old people
can choose books for
any taste. Also there
is a school of arts, where
you can study all kinds of
music, arts and others.

Слайд 18

You can have
in the evening
too. For example,
you can go to the
club, theatre and
cinema with your

Слайд 19 There are many museums in the world.

We learn many

interesting things there.

Слайд 20Also there are many
parks, squares and other
wonderful places, where
you can rest,

with your friends and make
acquaintance of new
interesting people.

So, there are many entertainments in the
World !

Слайд 21



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