#CompanyCulture презентация


Слайд 1

Trends to Watch in 2015

Слайд 2We All Know A Great #CompanyCulture Is Critical To Business Success,


Слайд 4Every Fast Growing Company Has An Amazing Culture

Слайд 6But What Will They Do In 2015 To Make Their Cultures

Even Better?

Слайд 7
Let’s Take A Look At The #CompanyCulture
Trends to Watch in 2015

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Trend #1

Annual To Real-Time Feedback

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
Annual and quarterly surveys are being ditched in

favor of real-time feedback from employees that captures two things

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
#1 How they feel

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
#2 What’s frustrating them

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
The world’s best companies want a constant pulse

on what their people are thinking and feeling.

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
They use this continuous flow of information to

make changes and adjust their communication and management styles to be more transparent

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
This leads to happier people who are more

engaged. They stay longer and do their best work.

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Annual To Real-Time Feedback
Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by

up to


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Key Take Away
Do whatever you can to collect more feedback from

your people in real-time

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Trend #2

Distributed Teams, Office Optional

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
With collaboration tools like Slack, Hipchat, Bluejeans and

Google Hangouts people can work from anywhere and still be part of the conversation

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
Collaboration tools are making an office optional for

the best companies

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
They use their offices for (some) meetings and

more like co-working spaces with hot swap desks

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
Translation: you can work from the office, but

you don’t have to

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
This helps them hire incredible talent outside of

their immediate location

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
It also saves everyone valuable commute time which

they can use to get more work done or spend with their families

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
Not having to commute saves the average person

around 10 hours per week and improves their mood and happiness considerably

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Distributed Teams, Office Optional
Remember: just because people come into the office

it doesn’t mean they’re working or productive

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Key Take Away
Hire the best people wherever they happen to be

and leverage collaboration tools to help them work together

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Trend #3

Flattening Org Structures

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Flattening Org Structures
Most managers aren’t very good at their job of

leading and inspiring their teams

Let’s Be Honest

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Flattening Org Structures
Companies like Medium and Zappos are experimenting with a

new org structure…

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Flattening Org Structures
That has no managers. Zero, nada, zip.

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Flattening Org Structures
It’s called holacracy

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Flattening Org Structures
Holacracy 101:

No people managers, maximum autonomy
Organic expansion - when

a job gets too big, hire another person
Identify issues, write them down, and resolve them systematically
Make everything explicit - from vacation policies to decision makers
Distribute decision-making power and discourage consensus seeking
Eliminate “stuff” that people worry about so they can focus on work

Слайд 36
Key Take Away
Removing hierarchy and flattening your company could have a

hugely positive impact on your culture

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Want to be a more transparent company?
StackHands helps you collect ideas

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