Apple Watch Development презентация

Apple Watch Requires an iPhone (5c or above) Connects to watch via BlueTooth

Слайд 1Apple Watch Development
Introduction to Watch Kit
Mike Bluestein @mikebluestein

Слайд 2Apple Watch
Requires an iPhone (5c or above)
Connects to watch via BlueTooth

Слайд 32 Watch Sizes
38mm and 42 mm
Same aspect ratio

Слайд 4Apple Provided Apps
Some Apple apps and features work without phone
These apps

have access to sensor data
Full animation capability

Слайд 53rd Party Apps
Run entirely on iPhone
Installed when installed on paired iPhone

is for UI presentation layer only
Limited SDK - Watch Kit
“Full” SDK later this year

Слайд 6Yes You Can
Create simple user interface
Present data from the parent iPhone

Present notifications
Present glaces
Create image-based animations

Слайд 7No You Can’t
Run apps without a connect iPhone
Build watch-only apps
Capture biometric

sensor data
Capture motion data
Create timing based animations

Слайд 8App Structure
Parent iPhone App
Watch Extension
Watch App
Shared Code

Слайд 9UI Navigation
Two types of UI navigation
Cannot mix them (unless using a

modal controller)

Слайд 10Layout
Easy to use
Far less complex than auto-layout

Слайд 11Controls
New set of UI controls
Designed specifically for Apple Watch
Easy to use

as full-featured as UIKit

Слайд 12Menus
Open with force touch gesture
Controls for menu and menu items
Handle selection

in WKInterfaceController

Слайд 13Watch App
Contains the user interface and static resources
Storyboards are required
No code

runs on the watch

Слайд 14Watch Extension
Runs on the phone
Has its own lifecycle
Handles user interactions raised

from watch app
Updates user interface on watch remotely
Performs shorter running tasks
Access shared data

Слайд 15iPhone App
Parent app to the watch app
Performs longer running tasks
Access shared

Does not share security
Separate process from watch extension

Слайд 16App Groups
Share data between iPhone and Watch Extension
Can share files,

settings, database
Requires shared group entitlement

Слайд 17Communication
App groups
Darwin notifications

Слайд 18WormHoleSharp
Bridge between iOS app and Watch Extension
Pass data or commands
I’m being

controlled from Apple Watch!

Слайд 19Images
SetImage - works with UIImage
SetImageData - works directly with bitmap data

send data from iPhone to Apple Watch
SetImageNamed - sends only name to watch
Image is loaded from bundle or cache
Used to create animation
20 MB cache with simple cache API

Слайд 20Notifications
Local or remote notifications from iPhone
Short-look - initial display of notification

to user
Long-look - displayed after user looks at short look for a few seconds
Long-look is scrollable and can have action buttons

Слайд 21Glances
Quick access to brief, relevant information
Swipe up from watch face to

Not interactive
One glance controller per app
Tap glance to open watch app

Слайд 22App Store Requirements
No alpha in images
Use 42 mm for screenshots
No mention

of watch in iPhone app images

Слайд 24Thanks!

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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