5 Steps to Managingthe Candidate Experience презентация

Webinar Tips for Attendees You can connect to audio using your computer’s microphone and speakers. Or, you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar. All lines will

Слайд 15 Steps to Managing the Candidate Experience

Слайд 2Webinar Tips for Attendees
You can connect to audio using your computer’s

microphone and speakers.

Or, you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar.

All lines will be muted to avoid background noise.

You can ask questions at any time by typing them into the Questions Pane.

Слайд 3Featured Speakers
Susan Underwood
Manager, Talent Acquisition at Glassdoor
Jason Webster
Head of Employer Branding at


Слайд 4Discover

Слайд 5Step 1: Discovery

Слайд 6First Impression for a Candidate Tends to be Text-Based

From a Friend


Слайд 7
From a Job

Слайд 8
Pro Tip
Be Aware of What Candidates See as a First Impression

Слайд 9Step 2: Research

Слайд 10Understand Where Your Candidates Are Most Likely to Land When Doing Research

Слайд 11
Pro Tip
Run Searches for Careers, Specific Jobs and Locations

Слайд 12Step 3: Decision

Слайд 13The Application Process Can Be a Roadblock for Top Candidates

Слайд 14
Pro Tip
Complete Your Online Application Process—See How Long It Takes

Слайд 15Step 4: Communication

Слайд 16Manage Your Recruiting Content

Слайд 17Candidates Like to be Informed During the Hiring Process

Rank highest response rates

by communication method. Capture info.




Video Chat

Text Message

Still Works


Qualifying Interviews

Highest Read Rate

Слайд 18
Pro Tip
Submit an Application to See How Long It Takes to

Get a Response

Слайд 19Step 5: Resolution

Слайд 20Fast Feedback in the Hiring Process Is Crucial to a Candidate Experience


The candidate is not a cultural fit, and is likely to never be hired at your company. Send rejection promptly.

Yellow: The candidate is not a skills fit today, but aligns with your culture. Send rejection with invitation to talent network.

Green: The candidate is a skills and cultural fit. Engage immediately.


Слайд 21
Pro Tip
Determine Response Time and Quickly Place Candidates in a Proper


Слайд 22Tips and Tricks to Drive Candidate Experience

Слайд 23Tips and Tricks
Pick a consistent theme to be used across channels

sure all social channels have consistent addresses
Be visual. Be consistent. Be responsive.
Utilize all of your channels to drive candidates to you
Follow social channels of companies you admire for ideas

Слайд 24Thank You!

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