hello im from iceland презентация

Слайд 1Ólafsvík

Слайд 2Ólafsvík is a small town in Iceland
on the eastern side

of the country.

Слайд 3church

Слайд 4The town was founded in XVII century
and got the right

to trade
And therefore it became in important seaport.

Слайд 5~ the modern church (1967)
~ altar (16th century)

Слайд 6Snaefells volcano
~ height of 1446 metres
~ located in the Snaefellsjokull National

~ "Journey to the Center of the Earth“ by Jules Verne


Слайд 7Kerlingarfoss is a waterfall
near Olafsvik (5 km).
~ the height is about

50 m.
~ unconfirmed waterfall :c

Слайд 8Fascinating nature!
~ deers (from 18th century)
~ foxes, horses, herbs ///

Слайд 9Birds (more than 80 species)
~ atlantic puffins – Iceland symbol

Слайд 10Thank you for attention!

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