Интегрированный урок по английскому языку: Страны и национальности (английский, география, история). По учебнику М.З. Биболетовой , Н.Н. Трубаневой Enjoy English” для 7 класса Учитель английского языка: Андрианова Ксения Витальевна презентация

Countries and Nationalities

Слайд 1Интегрированный урок по английскому языку: «Страны и национальности» (английский, география, история).


учебнику М.З. Биболетовой , Н.Н. Трубаневой «Enjoy English” для 7 класса
Учитель английского языка: Андрианова Ксения Витальевна

Слайд 2
Countries and Nationalities

Слайд 3What are the following places famous for:
Egypt, Australia, Antarctica, Greece,

Italy, Chi­na, the USA, Russia
Example: Egypt is famous for the Pyramids
penguins — пингвины
the Great Wall of China — Великая Китайская стена
the Pyramids — пирамиды
Olympic Games — Олимпийские игры
Kangaroos — кенгуру
churches — церкви
skyscrapers — небоскребы
Colosseum — Колизей

Слайд 4Write the words in three columns. Read them.
Sophia London

Turkey Asia South America Switzerland
Japan Washington Canberra France Amsterdam Boston
Ottawa Spain Europe New Zealand Norway Egypt
Beijing Africa Australia Rome Antarctica North America
Paris China Sydney Portugal

Слайд 5Listen to what the conference participants say about their countries. Try

to guess which country they are from. Say why you think so. Example: Alison is from .... I think so because, she...

Слайд 6 Say what your country is famous for. What is your place

(village, town, city) famous for?

Use: — well-known people: writers, artists, poets, composers, sportsmen, businessmen, doctors, inventors... — museums, art galleries, university, plants/ fac­tories, shops, beautiful buildings, stadiums... — beautiful countryside, large forests, high mountains, deep lakes...
Example: Russia is famous for poets (Pushkin e.t.c.) …..

Слайд 7Where are the following cities? Tick the right box.

Слайд 8 Listen to and read the languages people speak in different countries.

Check if your partner has memorized it. Use: Ex.4 p.35 Example: — Which language do people speak in China? — In China people speak Chinese.

Слайд 9Match the person, his / her occupation, and the country where

he / she is from. Example: Elizabeth II is the Queen of the UK

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