flexible connectivity with the hybrid network презентация

internet as a business destination The Internet is a vital business tool, but it is still treated as a leisure activity. Distributed breakout can help cut latency, reduce load on the

Слайд 1flexible
with the
hybrid network
The traditional corporate network no longer meets the needs

of modern
enterprises. What is required is a flexible and secure hybrid network that
can evolve with businesses as they grow. It should meet business
demands for the Internet, cloud, mobility, security and performance.

Слайд 2internet as a business destination
The Internet is a vital business tool,

but it is still treated as a leisure activity. Distributed
breakout can help cut latency, reduce load on the VPN and deliver geolocation.

global IP traffic

1 zettabyte =
250 billion DVDs or the amount of data that
has traversed the internet since its creation.











Слайд 3

business IP traffic growth to 2018
fixed business internet
mobile business






internet as a business destination

Слайд 4more enterprise multimedia
With desktop video conferencing and unified communications, employees are

running more multimedia applications on the network. Use Internet offload to manage traffic load on the VPN.

bandwidth demands

business desktop video conferencing

business IP telephony 29MB 1-hour call

business web conferencing
with webcam

users in 2013

311MB 1-hour call

238m users by 2018


45% CAGR

Слайд 5cloud outpacing traditional IT
Cloud computing has become a key part of

enterprise IT. Direct interconnection with
cloud providers can improve performance for business-critical apps.

24% growth rate

x5 of the IT industry as a whole

spending on public cloud

$47billion in 2013

$107billion in 2017

Слайд 6by 2018, wired devices will generate only 39% of IP traffic

unstoppable rise of mobility

To prevent cost, security and network issues, look to connect mobile devices on Wi-Fi
while in the office and provide easy remote access for any device from any location.


mobile phones

are sold for every PC

and Wi-Fi and mobile devices will generate
61% of IP traffic

Слайд 796% of all web applications have serious security vulnerabilities.
infographic created

by Futurity Media sources: Cisco, Gartner, IDC, Cenzic, Compuware

security and performance

Performance management ensures that end-users get the responsiveness they demand from
network applications, and a global enforceable security policy keeps the enterprise safe.

top 3 management concerns about poor performance from cloud:

poor end-user

brand reputation

loss of revenue




to find out more about the hybrid network,visit: www.orange-business.com/en/network

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