Apple iBeacon Technology Overview презентация

Apple iBeacon Any BLE enabled device can act as an iBeacon iBeacon is a custom advertising packet for BLE devices that exposes several numbers: UUID, Major and Minor Passive technology –

Слайд 1Apple iBeacon
Technology Overview

Слайд 2Apple iBeacon
Any BLE enabled device can act as an iBeacon
iBeacon is

a custom advertising packet for BLE devices that exposes several numbers: UUID, Major and Minor
Passive technology – no connection needed
Natively supported in iOS 7

Apple WWDC - June 2013

Слайд 3iBeacon Advertisement Packet Structure
iBeacon Preamble
02 # Number of bytes that follow

in first AD structure
01 # Flags AD type
06 # Flags value
1A # Number of bytes that follow in second (and last) AD structure
FF # Manufacturer specific data AD type
4C 00 # Company identifier code (0x004C == Apple)
02 # Byte 0 of iBeacon advertisement indicator
15 # Byte 1 of iBeacon advertisement indicator

Слайд 4Distance Estimation
Estimation based on RSSI
TxPower field is used to judge distance

Distance estimates change when conditions change (ambient temperature, number of people etc.)
Beacon calibration on location is imperative

Слайд 5Additional Requirements
100ms advertisement rate
Calibration must be performed on installation
Devices should not

be connectable
iBeacon is an Apple trademark - self certification available through the MFi programme

Слайд 6iOS Support
iBeacon is supported natively in iOS 7+ as part of

iOS devices can both detect iBeacons and act as iBeacons
Apps can subscribe to receive background notifications
Apps receive notifications even if they are closed and completely shut down
iBeacon notifications persist even after device restart

Слайд 7Android Support
No official Android support
Very few BLE enabled devices out there

peripheral profile in Android - device can’t act as iBeacon
Problems with BLE stack implementation - very unstable, sometimes WiFi and BLE are in conflict
3rd party libraries used to get similar functionality as in iOS - Radius Networks’ open source library available on GitHub

Слайд 8Windows Support

Слайд 9BlueBar Beacon
Fully CE, FCC, IC, Japan and South Korea certified

iOS and

Android (4.3+) compatible

Fully configurable - all iBeacon parameters, signal strength and advertisement frequency

Runs on a single CR2450 battery – up to 2 years of service

Available now on our website – we ship worldwide

Слайд 10Configuration Utility App
BlueBar SDK
Allows over the air configuration of BlueBar beacons


in the AppStore for iOS and on Google Play for Android

Open-source on GitHub to allow custom branding and integration into existing solutions

Beacon management and deployment control

Proximity Campaign management


Currently in Private Beta for

select customers

Слайд 12Kontext
Events discovery

People and Conversations nearby, powered by iBeacons

Offers and promotions nearby


at RE.WORK Berlin in June

Available on for iOS and Android

Слайд 13Demo App
Source code available for both iOS and Android on

Слайд 14Full stack iBeacon Solutions Provider

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