What is this presentation all about? Just a collection of quotes I have put together from some of the many Leaders in Asia that I have the privilege to interview on a daily basis. Enjoy! презентация

CallumLaing.com #CallumConnects Kara Bensley, Founder of theWYLDshop.com What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? “You should never be afraid of failure because it is

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Callum Laing

What is this presentation all about?
Just a collection of quotes

I have put together from some of the many Leaders in Asia that I have the privilege to interview on a daily basis. Enjoy!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/callum/

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Kara Bensley,
Founder of theWYLDshop.com
What’s the best piece of advice you

ever received?
“You should never be afraid of failure because it is not final and it only gives you the ability to learn and grow. It is part of success”.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/kara-bensley-founder-of-thewyldshop-com

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What have you just learnt recently that blew you away? How we

can influence our genetic material and coax favourable outcomes from unfavourable genetic predispositions.
It is all a part of a newer discipline in genetics called epigenetics. Our genes don’t change but their expression can.
Moreover, the way our own bacteria can interact with our genome and force us into different behaviours is also a mind-blowing perspective of what human existence is!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/dr-konstantinos-papadopoulos-ceo-of-thai-stemlife/

Dr. Konstantinos Papadopoulos, CEO of THAI StemLife

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Padmini Pandya, Strategic Business Planning of SapientNitro
What’s the best piece of

advice you ever received? “Get out of your own way.” there’s nothing more dangerous than self-doubt. 100 people can encourage you, but if one person says something harsh, you’ll remember those words, especially if they’re yours.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/padmini-pandya-strategic-business-planning-of-sapientnitro/

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Nothing is that

important that it can’t wait until tomorrow – sleep first.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/paul-carr-founder-of-paul-carr-media/

Paul Carr, Founder of Paul Carr Media

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Adrien Choux, Founder of The Chinese Timekeeper
Who inspires you? Guy Laliberte (founder

of Cirque du Soleil). Visionary, passionate, philanthropist and a great poker player … quite an inspiration!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/adrien-choux-founder-of-the-chinese-timekeeper/

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Aimee Barnes, Founder of Tangram Fitness
What have you just learnt recently

that blew you away? The average American household spends $1,000 a year on lottery tickets.
The average Singapore household spends $4,000 annually on the lotto!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/aimee-barnes-founder-of-tangram-fitness/

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Habiba Raffa, Founder of Ayelli
What have you just learnt recently that

blew you away?

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/habiba-raffa-founder-of-ayelli/

Did you know that Bukit Timah’s Nature Reserve in Singapore has more species of trees than the entire North American continent? Talk about a green dot!

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Serena Forlino, Founder of Bohology
What have you just learnt recently that

blew you away? Learning to say No. I never had this ability, but to become an entrepreneur you must become more assertive.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/serena-forlino-founder-of-bohology/

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Nadya Saib, CEO of Wangsa Jelita
What have you just learnt recently

that blew you away? It seems easy to answer “what is your priority in life?” But when we ask ourselves—where do we spend most of our time, what do we think when we get up, what do we stay up at night worrying about, what makes us cry most—and find that the reality reflects otherwise, then it means we don’t know what our priorities are. And I think that’s problematic, because I believe life balance starts with getting our priorities straight. The fact that many people actually don’t know (nor really question)—what the real priorities are—just blew me away.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/nadya-saib-ceo-of-wangsa-jelita/

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What have you just learnt recently that blew you away? That the

failures I had were in fact the best things that ever happened to me. Only recently have I realized the importance of failing and that my success could never happen unless I acknowledge and leverage on my learning from that failure. It has shifted the way I think, the way I work and interact with people around me. And yes that is to me mind blowing!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/mouna-aouri-langendorf-founder-of-woomentum/

Mouna Aouri Langendorf, Founder of Woomentum

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Robin Low,
Principal Consultant of Patatas

What have you just learnt recently

that blew you away?

‘Youths’ in Singapore are aged
35 year old youths?!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/robin-low-principal-consultant-of-patatas

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Never take ‘No’

for an answer.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/talenia-phua-gajardo-ceo-of-the-artling/

Talenia Phua Gajardo, CEO of The Artling

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? People remember generosity.

Be generous, be kind, be direct, be remembered.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/howard-lo-founder-of-standing-sushi-bar/

Howard Lo, Founder of Standing Sushi Bar

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Who inspires you? Oprah Winfrey. She’s the first self-made black woman billionaire

in world history. And she did it by building a media empire from scratch. She also overcame much adversity in her youth to rise to where she is today. More significantly, she has achieved such phenomenal success through a very holistic focus on personal development and the message of hope she champions, which has inspired thousands over the years.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/jamie-nonis-founder-of-the-writers-club/

Jamie Nonis, Founder of The Writers Club

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? I’m going to

be annoying and go for two bits of wisdom:
1: Frustration is the mother of innovation. If something regularly bothers you, there’s a good chance you can build a business out of improving it, and it’s better to be an entrepreneur than a complainer. 2: Communication is about what other people understand, not what you say. Too much business communication – especially marketing – obsesses about the message instead of the take-out. Build outcomes, not outputs.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/simon-kemp-founder-of-we-are-social/

Simon Kemp, Regional Managing Partner of We Are Social

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Who inspires you? Richard Branson. He’s all about fun and passion and

being a bit rebellious. I love that. Also Joel Gascoign from Buffer. He’s disrupting the typical startup mentality by focusing on transparency, values and culture.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/gina-romero-founder-of-executive-lifestyle/

Gina Romero, Founder of Executive Lifestyle



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? There is no

point doing what you are doing without an end game. Choose where you want to be, what you want to do and work out a way to get there.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/charlie-brazier-founder-of-bw-furniture/

Charlie Brazier, Founder of BW Furniture



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? “Be bold and

yet be meticulous in everything you do”
Set clear and precise goals, do your groundwork, move forward and do not look back.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/jerome-lim-director-of-ming-fa-fishball/

Jerome Lim, Director of Ming Fa Fishball



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Who inspires you? James Altucher. I’m a big fan of his writing

and love how he makes the complex simple with his personal stories.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/benjamin-loh-public-speaking-coach/

Benjamin Loh, Public Speaking Coach



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Believe in yourself.

If you don’t, no one else will.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/christine-edwards-founder-of-honeycombers/

Christine Edwards, Founder of Honeycombers



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Building routines around

the high pay-off tasks is probably one of the best-kept secrets for mastery of personal leadership. Most people are quick to say that the top-notch athletes are successful because they’re talented. But pay attention to their routines and you will realize they are very discipline when it comes to investing time in high-payoff activities. Tiger Woods commits himself to an insane, 12-hour routine that not only shows his dedication to his craft, but also to other aspects of his life.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/chua-weng-foofounder-of-sales-faktor-training/

Chua Weng Foo,Founder of Sales Faktor Training



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Remember the people

who helped you along the way and in turn…help the people along your journey.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/hossan-leong-founder-of-paul-carr-consultancy/

Hossan Leong, Founder Of Double Confirm



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? If you care

for others, your consciousness expands and you’re happy. If you care only for yourself, your consciousness contracts and you’re miserable.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/jack-sim-founder-of-world-toilet-organization/

Jack Sim, Founder of World Toilet Organization



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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? That nothing in

life comes easy. It reminds me that I must always work hard, be determined and persistent.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/jia-en-teo-co-founder-of-roomorama/

Jia En Teo, Co-Founder of Roomorama



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Who inspires you? My children, their creativity, unadulterated vision of the world,

their energy.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/meri-rosich-founder-of-app-strategy-labs/

Meri Rosich, Founder of App Strategy Labs

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Smiling causes fewer

wrinkles than frowning.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/george-hwang-lawyer/

George Hwang, Lawyer

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Trust in the

universe. What you think you want will not always be what you get and it could be a blessing in disguise. Growing up in the West, there’s a strong sense to control your destiny. In Asia, karma is at play and the universe conspires to take you to the next level if you let it.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/khun-patcharee-pantoomano-founder-of-brand-now/

Patcharee Pantoomano, Founder of Brand Now

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Who inspires you? Stories of women from the past – who did

it all without the internet, washing machines, or iphones!

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/michaela-anchan-founder-of-woolf-works/

Michaela Anchan, Founder Of Woolf Works

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Who inspires you? Singapore’s founding father Mr Lee Kuan Yew has been

a source of inspiration.
Running a company is hard enough, let alone a country, but he did it extremely well.
During the era when he was building Singapore, it was even more difficult but he overcame all odds. I am inspired by his strong sense of vision and tenacity; it’s not easy to be visionary.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/keithtan/

Keith Tan, Founder of Aileron Wellness

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? One that I

live my life by is to always think “how can I help you” when meeting people without expecting anything in return.
Doing business is about developing trust, especially in Asia. I am always happy to provide an introduction or a connection if I can help.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/sam-lau-founder-of-total-loyalty/

Sam Lau, Founder of Total Loyalty

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What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? “Enjoy what you

I think it is easier to say, “Do what you enjoy” but we should remember that we can choose to enjoy anything we do as well.

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/masami-soto-founder-of-buy-one-give-one/

Masami Soto, Founder of Buy One Give One

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“Hope you enjoyed it. Do feel free to share it with

anyone you think might be inspired.”
- Callum, February 2015

Link: http://www.asianentrepreneur.org/callum/

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