1 Surprising Reason Why iPhone Users Are Upgrading Their Phones презентация

It’s no secret that iPhone users like their phones.

Слайд 11 Surprising Reason Why iPhone Users Are Upgrading Their Phones

Слайд 2It’s no secret that iPhone users like their phones.

Слайд 3And when Apple introduces a new version of the device, many

current users tend to upgrade to the next device.

Слайд 4In fact, 12% of the iPhone customer base gets a new

iPhone each quarter.

Source: Business Insider.

Слайд 5And when the iPhone 6 debuted, 20% of the existing iPhone

customer base upgraded.

Source: Business Insider.

Слайд 6
And many do so because Apple adds incremental new features to

the phones.

Слайд 7But there’s another reason why iPhone users are upgrading…

Слайд 8And it has nothing to do with larger screens, better processors,

camera specs, or any other new feature.

Слайд 9And everything to do with with smartphone installment plans.

Слайд 10
These are the plans that let users pay off their phones

a little bit each month, instead of getting smartphone subsidies.

Слайд 11A new report by Piper Jaffray says that as carriers have

switched from the subsidy model to installment plans, iPhone upgrades could increase.

Слайд 12That’s because with installment plans, carriers tend to allow users to

upgrade to new phones faster than with the subsidy model.

Слайд 13
Which typically only allowed users to upgrade every two years.

Слайд 14
Piper Jaffray estimates that if 30% of people who are eligible

for iPhone upgrades do so in Q3, it could mean an additional 2.9 million unit sales for Apple.

Source: AppleInsider.

Слайд 15And an additional 4.4 million in Q4.

Слайд 16Of course, these are just estimates.

Слайд 17But there’s someone else who thinks that frequent iPhone trade-ins are

great for Apple too…

Слайд 18Tim Cook.

Слайд 19Here’s what Apple’s CEO said when asked if trade-in programs hurt

sales of older iPhones…

Слайд 20“What I think is happening in the aggregate if you look

across the world is that trade-ins are actually hugely beneficial for our ecosystem…”

— Tim Cook

Source: Seeking Alpha.

Слайд 21Over the next few quarters, we’ll have to wait and see

if installment plans actually help boost iPhone sales.

Слайд 22And with the next versions of Apple’s iPhones about to debut,

we probably won’t have to wait long.

Слайд 23

Wall Street hacks Apple's gadgets! (Investors, prepare to profit.)

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