The Naked CEO’s guide to the Sporting Industry презентация

The big sporting organisations English Premier League Major League Baseball Chinese Super League National Rugby League

Слайд 1The Naked CEO’s guide to the Sporting Industry

Слайд 2The big sporting organisations
English Premier League
Major League Baseball Chinese Super League

Rugby League

Слайд 3Good knowledge and interest of the sport
Great communication skills
Be able to

work under stress
Ability to multi task

Слайд 4What could you be working on?
Club operations Administration and Finance Facility operation Sport Management

Слайд 5How can you get your foot in the door? Volunteer at a

sporting organisation
Do an internship Work at a major sporting event

Слайд 6What would you expect to be paid?
From your first year

in the job to becoming a manger, what would you expect to be paid in the sporting industry?

Слайд 7A sporting industry insider’s view
“I love working in the sporting industry.

There seems to be a specific type of person that this type of work attracts and they seem to be very friendly and welcoming - at least that is my experience. I would recommend this industry to anybody,” says Anna Ronald, who is an Assistant Accountant at the 2015 Cricket World Cup.

Слайд 8The Naked CEO book
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Слайд 9Join the conversation

Слайд 10Want more? Visit The Naked CEO website

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