National Geographic Photo of the Day ???? 2015.01 презентация


In the Loop 套繩競爭,肯德基州 Photograph by Harrison Hill

Слайд 1

Gathered Greensg

Photograph by Matthieu Paley
National Geographic Photo of the Day


Слайд 2

In the Loop 套繩競爭,肯德基州
Photograph by Harrison Hill

Слайд 3

Local Color 地方風彩,拉各斯島,奈及利亞
Photograph by Robin Hammond

Слайд 4

Surfing Makaha衝浪,馬卡哈,夏威夷
Photograph by Paul Nicklen

Слайд 5

Annakut in Kolkata 戈瓦爾丹法會,加爾各答
Photograph by Sudipta Maulik

Слайд 6

Spiritual Revival 舒展身心,瓦胡島
Photograph by Paul Nicklen

Слайд 7

Fire Flies 火光四射的祇園祭,豐橋市,日本
Photograph by Hidenobu Suzuki

Слайд 8

Crossing Cultures 文化交會,聖米格爾教堂,墨西哥
Photograph by Alex Visbal

Слайд 9

A Day’s Work 牧羊人一天的工作,伊朗
Photograph by Hemad Nazari

Слайд 10

Hungry Birdsr 飢餓的禿鷹,阿留申群島
Photograph by Klaus Nigge

Слайд 11

Flashy Feathers 華麗的羽毛,紐約中央公園動物園
Photograph by Ivan Lesica

Слайд 12

Ram’s Eye 大角羊拉姆求助的眼睛
Photograph by Dawn Wilson

Слайд 13

Two to Tonga 座頭鯨,東加
Photograph by Fabrice Guerin

Слайд 14

Morning Takeoff

Photograph by Aijing He

Слайд 15

Fox Found 狐狸,大帕拉迪索國家公園,義大利
Photograph by Stefano Unterthiner

Слайд 16

Bird of Paradiso 黃嘴山鴉,大帕拉迪索山,義大利
Photograph by Stefano Unterthiner

Слайд 17

Morning Reflection 穿透椰子樹的晨光,喀拉拉邦,印度
Photograph by Noushad PT

Слайд 18

Polished Porcelain 旖旎如瓷的木耳
Photograph by Agorastos Papatsanis

Слайд 19

The Village 小村,佩斯,匈牙利
Photograph by Gabor Dvornik

Слайд 20

Over the Bay 鹽沼紋理,豬島海灣,維吉尼亞州
Photograph by Gordon Campbell

Слайд 21

Museum of Islamic Art

Photograph by Zeqiant Wang

Слайд 22

Water Towers 水塔,堪薩斯州
Photograph by John English

Слайд 23

A Curtain Lifts 熔岩沙丘,冰島
Photograph by Johan Brouwer

Слайд 24

Rapa River Delta 拉帕努伊河三角洲,瑞典
Photograph by Sven Zacek

Слайд 25

On the Bayou 黑貝尤湖,路易斯安那州
Photograph by Keith Yahl

Слайд 26

Kirkjufell 教堂山,冰島
Photograph by Francesco Russo

Слайд 27

Glacial Pace 佩斯冰河,瑞士和義大利邊境
Photograph by Silvia Aresca

Слайд 28

Misty Morning Fog 飄渺的晨霧,波蘭
Photograph by Malgorzata Walkowska

Слайд 29

Alpine Oasis 高山綠洲,義大利
Photograph by Stefano Unterthiner

Слайд 30

Salt of the Bay 舊金山灣鹽沼。北加州
Photograph by Jassen T.

Слайд 31

Jet Set 水上噴射器,比斯坎灣,邁阿密
Photograph by George Steinmetz

Слайд 32

Svinafellsjökull Glacier, Iceland 冰川,冰島
Photograph by Arctic-Images/Corbis
NG Traveler Photo of the Day


Слайд 33

Antarctic Ice 南極冰
Photograph by Sam Crimmin

Слайд 34

Milan Duomo, Italy 米蘭大教堂,義大利
Photograph by Andrea Francolini, Corbis

Слайд 35

Oia, Greece 伊亞,希臘
Photograph by Bob Rowlands

Слайд 36

Bern, Switzerland 伯爾尼,瑞士
Photograph by Peter Klaunzer

Слайд 37

Cairngorms National Park, Scotland Cairngorms國家公園,蘇格蘭
Photograph by Paul Tomkins

Слайд 38

San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice 聖喬治教堂,威尼斯
Photograph by Jim Richardson

Слайд 39

Transylvania, Romania 特蘭西瓦尼亞,羅馬尼亞
Photograph by Catalin Caciuc

Слайд 40

Forbidden City, Beijing 故宮,北京
Photograph by Yiming Feng

Слайд 41

Ratha Yatra Festival in Puri, India

Photograph by Randy Olson

Слайд 42

Parc Güell, Barcelona 桂爾公園,巴塞隆納
Photograph by Guido Cozzi, Corbis

Слайд 43

Luzon, Philippines 菲律賓呂宋島
Photograph by Per-Andre Hoffmann, Aurora

Слайд 44

Ice Skating in Amsterdam 在阿姆斯特丹溜冰
Photograph by Joel Sartore

Слайд 45

Southern Alps, New Zealand 南阿爾卑斯山,紐西蘭
Photograph by Michael Melford

Слайд 46

Rome’s Spanish Steps 羅馬的西班牙台階
Photograph by Dr. Wilfried Bahnmüller, Aurora

Слайд 47

Cape Town, South Africa 開普敦,南非
Photograph by Heather Perry

Слайд 48

Luxor Temple, Egypt 盧克索神廟,埃及
Photograph by Alexandra Avakian

Слайд 49

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, China 哈爾濱冰雕節,中國
Photograph by Kim Kyung-Hoon, Reuters

Слайд 50

Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain 聖塞巴斯提安,西班牙
Photograph by Jens Schwarz, laif/Redux

Слайд 51

Mountain Trout Ice Festival, South Korea 山鱒魚冰節,南韓
Photograph by Chung Sung-Jun

Слайд 52

Bordeaux, France 波爾多,法國
Photograph by John Kellerman, Alamy

Слайд 53

Peak Tram, Hong Kong 山頂纜車,香港
Photograph by Naki Kouyioumtzis, Axiom/Aurora

Слайд 54

Snow in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Photograph by Laura Zirino

Слайд 55

Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona

Photograph by Kevin Moloney, New York



Слайд 56

Mount Fitz Roy, Argentina 菲茨羅伊峰,阿根廷
Photograph by Rodrigo Wen

Слайд 57

Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy 三峰,義大利
Photograph by Philippe Schwaller

Слайд 58

Alligator in Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida

Photograph by Doug Perrine,

Nature Picture Library/Corbis


Слайд 59

Florida Manatee 佛羅里達海牛
Photograph by Chris Bickford

Слайд 60

Ginnie Springs, Florida 吉利泉,佛羅里達州
Photograph by David Doubilet

Слайд 61

Santa Marta, Colombia 聖瑪爾塔,哥倫比亞
Photograph by Fausto Giaccone

Слайд 62

Mont Blanc 勃朗峰,法國和義大利之間
Photograph by Danuta Hyniewska
01/31/2015 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.C
All photos

were taken from National Geographic


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